Printed: 2025-02-06
Anonymous [24] Courtrai<93-95>
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
1893 - 1895 Courtrai, Rue de Lille, 14
On CV, address printed on recto, with statement on verso, "Portraits for [blank] frs per dozen". This is an example of dynamic pricing in order to undercut competitors. "12 medallion portraits, 2 fr. 75c; 12 Dégravé portraits, 5 fr; 12 album portraits, 10 fr. Competition Impossible (L'Echo de Courtrai, 6.8.1893). Studio "will be open for the duration of the Fair" (L'Echo de Courtrai, 19.4.1894). No photographer is recorded at this address in the population register. So who exactly might have operated this cut-price outlet? It would appear to be August Ruys - Morel, who ran an offer at his main studio at Rue Notre-Dame, 31 and linked to the Rue de Lille address: "Persons may order a life-sized portrait drawn in crayon for 45 frs, including frame; these portraits will be exhibited at Rue de Lille, 14" (L'Echo de Courtrai, 12.8.1895).
On CV, address printed on recto, with statement on verso, "Portraits for [blank] frs per dozen". This is an example of dynamic pricing in order to undercut competitors. "12 medallion portraits, 2 fr. 75c; 12 Dégravé portraits, 5 fr; 12 album portraits, 10 fr. Competition Impossible (L'Echo de Courtrai, 6.8.1893). Studio "will be open for the duration of the Fair" (L'Echo de Courtrai, 19.4.1894). No photographer is recorded at this address in the population register. So who exactly might have operated this cut-price outlet? It would appear to be August Ruys - Morel, who ran an offer at his main studio at Rue Notre-Dame, 31 and linked to the Rue de Lille address: "Persons may order a life-sized portrait drawn in crayon for 45 frs, including frame; these portraits will be exhibited at Rue de Lille, 14" (L'Echo de Courtrai, 12.8.1895).
1893 - 1895 Courtrai, Rue de Lille, 14
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ / MD new 20.9.2023; SFJ revised 15.10.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght