Printed: 2025-03-14
Barthels (- Schaffers), Jean PhilippeSend us additional info
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
- Drogerij De Zwaan
- Connected / Professional
Life dates
Antwerp, 1870 - ?, ?
1902 - 1913 Anvers, Rue Carnot, 145<02-08> or 130<09-13>
Joannes Philippus Maria Josephus Henricus, ° 6.8.1870. On the occasion of his wedding in Antwerp on 30.6.1900 to Leonia Maria Augusta Antonia Schaffers (° Antwerp, 16.8.1872), he was recorded as a druggist domiciled in Antwerp. Photographic supplies. Clearly operated a portrait studio at no. 130 at which address he was listed under photographers in directories, 1909-1913.
Joannes Philippus Maria Josephus Henricus, ° 6.8.1870. On the occasion of his wedding in Antwerp on 30.6.1900 to Leonia Maria Augusta Antonia Schaffers (° Antwerp, 16.8.1872), he was recorded as a druggist domiciled in Antwerp. Photographic supplies. Clearly operated a portrait studio at no. 130 at which address he was listed under photographers in directories, 1909-1913.
1902 - 1913 Anvers, Rue Carnot, 145<02-08> or 130<09-13>
Record source
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 31.12.2017; revised 5.8.2019 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 4.9.2020, 8.9.2020 & 5.1.2023