Printed: 2025-02-16
Bataille, François
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Boulogne-sur-Mer [Pas-de-Calais, F], 1869 - Hanwell [Middlesex, GB], 1954
1902 * - 1903 / Bruxelles, Boulevard de la Senne, 102
François Léon, ° 21.11.1869; + 25.12.1954. Initially registered as a journeyman framer at Place Sainte-Catherine, 3 where his father Joseph Prudent was a master framer. Subsequently this occupation was overwritten with photographer. Arrived at no. 104 on 26.9.1902 and left on 16.9.1903. Still listed at this address in the 1904 directory with no forename.
1903 * - 1905 / Bruxelles, Rue de la Colline, 18
Successor: Dreullette D. & Cie
Moved to this address on 16.9.1903. Initial "E." or "T." in the 1905-1906 directories, although he had ceased to operate here by April 1905. Left for Brussels - Schaerbeek on 13.5.1905.
1906 * - 1908 / Bruxelles - Forest, Avenue du Moulin, 85
Arrived here on 26.7.1906. Initial "J." in the 1907 directory. Left on 26.2.1908.
1908 * - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue de la Montagne, 49-51<08-10>, 49-51a<10-12> or 51a<13-14>
Moved to this address on 6.3.1908. An advertisement at no. 51 in April 1914 (Le Soir, 4.4.1914) refers to the studio at this address as "Photo Française". Note that Jean Varenne (see that name) had previously traded here as "Photographie Française" until 1904. By 1920, Jean Van Weert (° Herstal, 23.11.1892; + Brussels, 1.1.1966) seemed to be running the studio, also under the name "Photo Française" and with a branch in La Louvière at Rue du Marché, 12 by 1922.
François Léon, ° 21.11.1869; + 25.12.1954. Initially registered as a journeyman framer at Place Sainte-Catherine, 3 where his father Joseph Prudent was a master framer. Subsequently this occupation was overwritten with photographer. Arrived at no. 104 on 26.9.1902 and left on 16.9.1903. Still listed at this address in the 1904 directory with no forename.
1903 * - 1905 / Bruxelles, Rue de la Colline, 18
Successor: Dreullette D. & Cie
Moved to this address on 16.9.1903. Initial "E." or "T." in the 1905-1906 directories, although he had ceased to operate here by April 1905. Left for Brussels - Schaerbeek on 13.5.1905.
1906 * - 1908 / Bruxelles - Forest, Avenue du Moulin, 85
Arrived here on 26.7.1906. Initial "J." in the 1907 directory. Left on 26.2.1908.
1908 * - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue de la Montagne, 49-51<08-10>, 49-51a<10-12> or 51a<13-14>
Moved to this address on 6.3.1908. An advertisement at no. 51 in April 1914 (Le Soir, 4.4.1914) refers to the studio at this address as "Photo Française". Note that Jean Varenne (see that name) had previously traded here as "Photographie Française" until 1904. By 1920, Jean Van Weert (° Herstal, 23.11.1892; + Brussels, 1.1.1966) seemed to be running the studio, also under the name "Photo Française" and with a branch in La Louvière at Rue du Marché, 12 by 1922.
1902 * - 1903 / Bruxelles, Boulevard de la Senne, 102
1903 * - 1905 / Bruxelles, Rue de la Colline, 18
1906 * - 1908 / Bruxelles - Forest, Avenue du Moulin, 85
1908 * - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue de la Montagne, 49-51<08-10>, 49-51a<10-12> or 51a<13-14>
1903 * - 1905 / Bruxelles, Rue de la Colline, 18
1906 * - 1908 / Bruxelles - Forest, Avenue du Moulin, 85
1908 * - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue de la Montagne, 49-51<08-10>, 49-51a<10-12> or 51a<13-14>
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 6.2.2017; SFJ revised 22.1.2021 & 12.3.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 3.11.2020, 23.11.2020, 12.3.2021 & 19.12.2023