Printed: 2025-02-12
Becker, Marthe (& Cie)
Person (Female)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Ghent, 1882 - ?, 1952
1905 * - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue des Foulons, 65
Successor: Photo Compagnie Bruxelloise #
Marthe Henriette, ° 10.7.1882. Daughter of Caroline Dispa (° Vilvoorde, 7.2.1840) who was recognised as legitimate on her mother's marriage in Ghent on 10.5.1894 to Henri Becker (see that name). Arrived at this address with her mother, who was also described as a photographer in the population registry, in September 1905. There are CVs stating "Studio Becker" during the first year or so of this studio operating and thereafter "M. Becker". "Mlle Becker" in the 1911 Monod directory, despite her marriage to Julius / Jules Liebeskind (see entry for Liebeskind - Becker) in August 1908. Liebeskind had been domiciled at Rue des Foulons, 33 or 90 since 1906 so it is quite possible that he was an operator for the Becker family beforehand. The studio continued operating after the Liebeskind - Becker couple changed domicile to their Brussels - Anderlecht studio in March 1910. CVs at no. 65 then bear the credit "Maison Becker" or "M[ais]on Becker". Marthe Becker became a naturalised French citizen on 29.5.1925 when living in Montigny-lès-Metz [Moselle, F] and was recognised for her work in the Resistance in 1943-1944.
Successor: Photo Compagnie Bruxelloise #
Marthe Henriette, ° 10.7.1882. Daughter of Caroline Dispa (° Vilvoorde, 7.2.1840) who was recognised as legitimate on her mother's marriage in Ghent on 10.5.1894 to Henri Becker (see that name). Arrived at this address with her mother, who was also described as a photographer in the population registry, in September 1905. There are CVs stating "Studio Becker" during the first year or so of this studio operating and thereafter "M. Becker". "Mlle Becker" in the 1911 Monod directory, despite her marriage to Julius / Jules Liebeskind (see entry for Liebeskind - Becker) in August 1908. Liebeskind had been domiciled at Rue des Foulons, 33 or 90 since 1906 so it is quite possible that he was an operator for the Becker family beforehand. The studio continued operating after the Liebeskind - Becker couple changed domicile to their Brussels - Anderlecht studio in March 1910. CVs at no. 65 then bear the credit "Maison Becker" or "M[ais]on Becker". Marthe Becker became a naturalised French citizen on 29.5.1925 when living in Montigny-lès-Metz [Moselle, F] and was recognised for her work in the Resistance in 1943-1944.
1905 * - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue des Foulons, 65
Genres / subject matter
Peter Eyckerman, "De bijzondere fotografenfamilie Becker-Dispa ", accessed at:
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 20.2.2017 & 10.1.2018; revised 22.1.2019 & 26.10.2019 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght, revised 12.3.2019 based on information supplied by Peter Eyckerman (email dated 8.2.2019).; MD revised 27.7.2020; SFJ revised 29.5.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght