Printed: 2025-02-10
Bogaerts, Henri
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Connected
Life dates
's-Hertogenbosch [NL], 1841 - Boxtel [NL], 1902
1886 * - 1888 / Bruxelles, Rue du Lombard, 23
Henricus Adrianus, ° 18.11.1841; + 22.12.1902. Publisher and printer, he had previously run a printing works in Den Bosch [NL] specialising in wood engraving, then in Vught [NL]. It went bankrupt in 1884. He moved to Brussels on 6.11.1886 and became managing director of the "S.A. Les Arts Graphiques" (see that name), successor to the "Société Royale Belge de Photographie". Publisher of the news weekly "L'Illustration Européenne", Bogaerts introduced photomechanical printing to illustrations within the pages of the periodical.
Bogaerts moved to London by September 1888, where he tried to exploit his patent for the reproduction of oil paintings. But he ran into serious financial difficulties and in late October 1889 was arrested on suspicion of extensive fraud. Bogaerts was found guilty at a trial in the Old Bailey and sentenced to twelve months imprisonment with hard labour.
Bogaerts returned to the Netherlands and settled in Boxtel [NL] in August 1891, founding the artistic printing firm "Kunstinrichting Peinture Bogaerts". The "peinture Bogaerts" process consisted of transferring a photographic image onto a light-sensitive canvas support which was then fixed and overpainted in oils. It was exploited by Bogaerts, initially assisted by his eldest son Hubert (1869 - ?). Over the years, Hubert's younger brothers - Emile, Henri Jr and Louis - would also be active in the family business that traded until Emile's death in 1939.
For the Brussels branch, "Société Belge des Portraits Bogaerts", that operated from 1900 to 1902, see the entry for W. Benschop & H. Bogaerts.
Henricus Adrianus, ° 18.11.1841; + 22.12.1902. Publisher and printer, he had previously run a printing works in Den Bosch [NL] specialising in wood engraving, then in Vught [NL]. It went bankrupt in 1884. He moved to Brussels on 6.11.1886 and became managing director of the "S.A. Les Arts Graphiques" (see that name), successor to the "Société Royale Belge de Photographie". Publisher of the news weekly "L'Illustration Européenne", Bogaerts introduced photomechanical printing to illustrations within the pages of the periodical.
Bogaerts moved to London by September 1888, where he tried to exploit his patent for the reproduction of oil paintings. But he ran into serious financial difficulties and in late October 1889 was arrested on suspicion of extensive fraud. Bogaerts was found guilty at a trial in the Old Bailey and sentenced to twelve months imprisonment with hard labour.
Bogaerts returned to the Netherlands and settled in Boxtel [NL] in August 1891, founding the artistic printing firm "Kunstinrichting Peinture Bogaerts". The "peinture Bogaerts" process consisted of transferring a photographic image onto a light-sensitive canvas support which was then fixed and overpainted in oils. It was exploited by Bogaerts, initially assisted by his eldest son Hubert (1869 - ?). Over the years, Hubert's younger brothers - Emile, Henri Jr and Louis - would also be active in the family business that traded until Emile's death in 1939.
For the Brussels branch, "Société Belge des Portraits Bogaerts", that operated from 1900 to 1902, see the entry for W. Benschop & H. Bogaerts.
1886 * - 1888 / Bruxelles, Rue du Lombard, 23
Genres / subject matter
ALTENA, Marga, Michiel van de Laar & Ad Stijnman, "Henri Bogaerts, een leven tussen tijdschriften, houtgravures en kunstreproducties" in Het licht van de negentiende eeuw. De komst van de fotografie in de provincie Noord-Brabant, by Jan Coppens et al., Eindhoven, Stichting Brabants Fotoarchief, 1997, pp. 169-182.
"Henri Bogaerts (1841-1902) drukker en uitgever" in P. Timmermans et al (ed.), Brabantse biografieën. Levensbeschrijvingen van bekende en onbekende Noordbrabanders. Deel 5. Heeswijk, Stichting Brabantse Regionale Geschiedbeoefening, 1999.
ANCKAERT, Ronald. "Henri Bogaerts: de Londense periode (september 1888 - 30 augustus 1891)", accessed on 27.7.2021 at:
"Henri Bogaerts (1841-1902) drukker en uitgever" in P. Timmermans et al (ed.), Brabantse biografieën. Levensbeschrijvingen van bekende en onbekende Noordbrabanders. Deel 5. Heeswijk, Stichting Brabantse Regionale Geschiedbeoefening, 1999.
ANCKAERT, Ronald. "Henri Bogaerts: de Londense periode (september 1888 - 30 augustus 1891)", accessed on 27.7.2021 at:
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1887 - 1889
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 27.6.2017, 9.12.2018 & 1.1.2019; revised 4.7.2019, 31.10.2019 & 10.3.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 4.5.2020; SFJ revised 27.7.2021 based on information supplied by Ronald Anckaert