Printed: 2025-02-12
Boitson, Jacques
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Brussels - Schaerbeek, 1844 - Brussels - Jette, 1908
1870 Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Rue Van Dyck, 28
Jean Jacques Marie, ° 23.4.1844; + 11.9.1908. Younger brother of Eugène (see that name). On his father's death certificate of 1.5.1867, he was recorded as a photographer aged 23 domiciled in Brussels - Schaerbeek. His profession was again given as photographer on his mother's death certificate on 29.10.1868, which he signed "Jacques Boitson". His parents lived at Rue Van Dyck, 28, the same location as this studio. An obituary notice described Boitson as a "former operator with Géruzet" (Le Soir, 12.9.1908). This suggests that Boitson spent a large part of his career in the service of Géruzet Frères in Brussels.
1900 * - 1906 Bruxelles - Koekelberg, Chaussée de Jette, 398 then 418<03-06>
Predecessor: Boitson Eugène (at no. 418)
Moved to this address from Brussels - Laeken on 19.9.1900. Declared residence in and married in Brussels - Koekelberg on 8.11.1900 when his profession was given as photographer. In the 1901 Monod directory, "J. Boitson" listed at this address as well as in Brussels - Laeken, Rue Masui, 101, thereafter only in Chaussée de Jette.
1907 Bruxelles - Ganshoren, Avenue de Jette, 418
Possibly the same location as the Koekelberg studio after the thoroughfare was renamed. Recorded as a photographer resident in Brussels - Jette, Rue Léopold, 81 on his death certificate.
Jean Jacques Marie, ° 23.4.1844; + 11.9.1908. Younger brother of Eugène (see that name). On his father's death certificate of 1.5.1867, he was recorded as a photographer aged 23 domiciled in Brussels - Schaerbeek. His profession was again given as photographer on his mother's death certificate on 29.10.1868, which he signed "Jacques Boitson". His parents lived at Rue Van Dyck, 28, the same location as this studio. An obituary notice described Boitson as a "former operator with Géruzet" (Le Soir, 12.9.1908). This suggests that Boitson spent a large part of his career in the service of Géruzet Frères in Brussels.
1900 * - 1906 Bruxelles - Koekelberg, Chaussée de Jette, 398 then 418<03-06>
Predecessor: Boitson Eugène (at no. 418)
Moved to this address from Brussels - Laeken on 19.9.1900. Declared residence in and married in Brussels - Koekelberg on 8.11.1900 when his profession was given as photographer. In the 1901 Monod directory, "J. Boitson" listed at this address as well as in Brussels - Laeken, Rue Masui, 101, thereafter only in Chaussée de Jette.
1907 Bruxelles - Ganshoren, Avenue de Jette, 418
Possibly the same location as the Koekelberg studio after the thoroughfare was renamed. Recorded as a photographer resident in Brussels - Jette, Rue Léopold, 81 on his death certificate.
1870 Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Rue Van Dyck, 28
1900 * - 1906 Bruxelles - Koekelberg, Chaussée de Jette, 398 then 418<03-06>
1907 Bruxelles - Ganshoren, Avenue de Jette, 418
1900 * - 1906 Bruxelles - Koekelberg, Chaussée de Jette, 398 then 418<03-06>
1907 Bruxelles - Ganshoren, Avenue de Jette, 418
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
MD / SFJ new 20.11.2019; SFJ revised 25.1.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 28.1.2021