Printed: 2024-10-15
Buys - Van Genk, Joseph
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional / Connected
Life dates
Brussels, 1878 - ?, ?
1903 ca - 1906 Vilvorde, Rue d'Aubremé, 22a<03ca> or 22<06ca>
Joseph Marius Antoine, ° 15.10.1878. At his wedding in Brussels on 20.8.1900 to Cornélie Jeanne Françoise Virginie Van Genk (° Brussels, 31.3.1874), he was recorded as a notary's clerk living in Brussels.
1906 ca Bruxelles
Street address not yet identified.
1909 - 1914 Vilvorde, Rue de Louvain, 150<09-12> or 11<13-14>
"Artistic and industrial work. Speciality of interiors, copying and groups" (Bulletin de la Ligue vélocipédique belge, January 1912). Also photographic supplies at this address. "Catalogue on request" (1912). Secretary of the "Fédération Nationale des Photographes Professionels de Belgique" in 1912. Secretary general of the "Union des Photographes Professionnels de Belgique", 1913. Secretary of the "Section de Photographie et des Conférences" of the "Ligue Vélocipédique Belge" in 1913.
Joseph Marius Antoine, ° 15.10.1878. At his wedding in Brussels on 20.8.1900 to Cornélie Jeanne Françoise Virginie Van Genk (° Brussels, 31.3.1874), he was recorded as a notary's clerk living in Brussels.
1906 ca Bruxelles
Street address not yet identified.
1909 - 1914 Vilvorde, Rue de Louvain, 150<09-12> or 11<13-14>
"Artistic and industrial work. Speciality of interiors, copying and groups" (Bulletin de la Ligue vélocipédique belge, January 1912). Also photographic supplies at this address. "Catalogue on request" (1912). Secretary of the "Fédération Nationale des Photographes Professionels de Belgique" in 1912. Secretary general of the "Union des Photographes Professionnels de Belgique", 1913. Secretary of the "Section de Photographie et des Conférences" of the "Ligue Vélocipédique Belge" in 1913.
1903 ca - 1906 Vilvorde, Rue d'Aubremé, 22a<03ca> or 22<06ca>
1906 ca Bruxelles
1909 - 1914 Vilvorde, Rue de Louvain, 150<09-12> or 11<13-14>
1906 ca Bruxelles
1909 - 1914 Vilvorde, Rue de Louvain, 150<09-12> or 11<13-14>
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 16.11.2018; SFJ revised 9.8.2019, 21.11.2020 & 7.3.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 4.9.2020; SFJ revised 18.10.2023