Printed: 2025-02-16
Callebert, Ferdinand
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Amateur
Life dates
Roeselare, 1831 - Roeselare, 1908
1861 - 1862 Comines (views of)
Ferdinand Joseph, ° 7.2.1831; + 24.2.1908. Painter of portraits and religious scenes. Professor at the academy in his native town, he became its director in 1901.
1863 Roulers (views of)
Some of the oldest known photographs of Roeselare were made by Callebert, one of them a view of the "Klein Seminarie". Callebert possessed a collection of miscellaneous stereo views, identified with intertwined initials "F.C." or more rarely a backmark "Callebert - Blieck", referring to his wife Marie Louise Blieck (1836 - 1891). His father-in-law Pierre Augustin Blieck (° Werwik, 1.11.1807; + April 1874) also owned or stocked stereoviews, bearing the mark "Blieck - Vuylstecke / Wervicq", referring to his wife Clementina Beatrice Vuylste(c)ke. Views originating from both collections are now in the holdings of the Photography Museum in Antwerp. Also see entry for Adolphe Blieck.
Ferdinand Joseph, ° 7.2.1831; + 24.2.1908. Painter of portraits and religious scenes. Professor at the academy in his native town, he became its director in 1901.
1863 Roulers (views of)
Some of the oldest known photographs of Roeselare were made by Callebert, one of them a view of the "Klein Seminarie". Callebert possessed a collection of miscellaneous stereo views, identified with intertwined initials "F.C." or more rarely a backmark "Callebert - Blieck", referring to his wife Marie Louise Blieck (1836 - 1891). His father-in-law Pierre Augustin Blieck (° Werwik, 1.11.1807; + April 1874) also owned or stocked stereoviews, bearing the mark "Blieck - Vuylstecke / Wervicq", referring to his wife Clementina Beatrice Vuylste(c)ke. Views originating from both collections are now in the holdings of the Photography Museum in Antwerp. Also see entry for Adolphe Blieck.
1861 - 1862 Comines (views of)
1863 Roulers (views of)
1863 Roulers (views of)
Genres / subject matter
DUVOSQUEL, Jean-Marie. "Photos anciennes de Comines et de Warneton (1861-1900)", Mémoires de la Société d'histoire de Comines – Warneton et de la région, vol. 11, 1981, pp. 253-256.
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
MD revised 25.6.2020; SFJ revised 14.10.2020 & 27.4.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght