Printed: 2025-02-16
Colette, Edgard
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
1891 - 1914 Spa, Rue Royale, 20<04>
Behind prints bearing the credit "Edgard Colette" worked a father and son team: Antoine Victor Edgard (° Spa, 26.4.1851; + Spa, 30.8.1903), autographed "Edg.", and Edgard Maurice Léo (° Spa, 18.11.1872; + Spa, 25.4.1930), who signed with the initial "M" for Maurice. At the son's wedding in Spa on 13.4.1899 and on the father’s death certificate, both father and son were recorded as photographers. Later sources describe Colette senior's other occupation as painter, while Colette junior's is given as hotelier. On CVs from c. 1900 onwards, "Photographer to H.M. the Queen of the Belgians", i.e. Queen Marie-Henriette (1836 - 1902), wife of Leopold II, who resided and died in Spa. Picture postcards, c. 1902, bear the printed credit "M. Colette" as do directory listings from 1907 onwards. However, photograph mounts appear to retain the forename Edgard throughout. In the 1913 directory, initial reverts to "E".
Behind prints bearing the credit "Edgard Colette" worked a father and son team: Antoine Victor Edgard (° Spa, 26.4.1851; + Spa, 30.8.1903), autographed "Edg.", and Edgard Maurice Léo (° Spa, 18.11.1872; + Spa, 25.4.1930), who signed with the initial "M" for Maurice. At the son's wedding in Spa on 13.4.1899 and on the father’s death certificate, both father and son were recorded as photographers. Later sources describe Colette senior's other occupation as painter, while Colette junior's is given as hotelier. On CVs from c. 1900 onwards, "Photographer to H.M. the Queen of the Belgians", i.e. Queen Marie-Henriette (1836 - 1902), wife of Leopold II, who resided and died in Spa. Picture postcards, c. 1902, bear the printed credit "M. Colette" as do directory listings from 1907 onwards. However, photograph mounts appear to retain the forename Edgard throughout. In the 1913 directory, initial reverts to "E".
1891 - 1914 Spa, Rue Royale, 20<04>
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 14.5.2020 & 8.8.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; SFJ revised 29.7.2023 & 20.8.2023