Printed: 2025-01-18
Colon, Henri
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Amateur
Life dates
Clamecy [Nièvre, F], 1844 - Brussels - Ixelles, 1918
1887 - 1913 Anvers
+ 24.2.1918. Pictorialist. Member of the Antwerp section, then of the Brussels section of the ABP. Photographs of the Antwerp disaster (explosion of an ammunition factory) in 1889. Corresponding member of the "Société Photogaphique de la Haute-Saone" in 1897-1898 (no forename). Member of the photography section of the "Katholieke Kring", 1904-1905. His autochromes were exhibited at the ABP's 24th annual slide show in March 1912.
1914 Bruxelles - Ixelles
Shared autochromes with his fellow members of the ABP in March 1914.
+ 24.2.1918. Pictorialist. Member of the Antwerp section, then of the Brussels section of the ABP. Photographs of the Antwerp disaster (explosion of an ammunition factory) in 1889. Corresponding member of the "Société Photogaphique de la Haute-Saone" in 1897-1898 (no forename). Member of the photography section of the "Katholieke Kring", 1904-1905. His autochromes were exhibited at the ABP's 24th annual slide show in March 1912.
1914 Bruxelles - Ixelles
Shared autochromes with his fellow members of the ABP in March 1914.
1887 - 1913 Anvers
1914 Bruxelles - Ixelles
1914 Bruxelles - Ixelles
Antwerp, 1888; Vienna, Exhibition of the Club der Amateur-Photographen, 1888; Antwerp, 1890; Brussels, 1891 (bronze medal); Antwerp, 1892; Vesoul, 1892 ("highest distinction" for large snapshots); Brussels, 1896; Lille, 1896; Paris, 1896; Paris, 1897; Vesoul, 1897 (highest distinction); Brussels, 1898; Paris, 1898; Paris, 1901; Brussels, 1902; Antwerp, 1903 ABP; Antwerp (CEPSA), 1903; Antwerp, 1904/05; Brussels, 1911; Ghent, 1913; Liège, 1914.
Genres / subject matter
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1887 - 1914
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 28.7.2017, 8.3.2019, 17.4.2019 & 5.6.2019; merged with entry 1997#780 ("Colver, H.") 7.8.2019; SFJ revised 22.10.2020; SFJ revised 7.12.2020 & 31.5.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; SFJ revised 6.3.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; SFJ revised 23.1.2024 & 26.1.2024 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 30.1.2023, 31.1.2023, 9.10.2023, 20.2.2024 & 21.3.2024