Printed: 2024-12-26
Darimont, Léopold
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional / Connected
Life dates
Alken (Limbourg), 1879 - ?, ?
1900 Hasselt, Zuivelmarkt, 27
Léopold Théodore, ° 10.6.1879. Photographer, chemist, and electrician. Patent of 25.6.1900 for "a photolinographic process" [photography on fabrics]. Advertising here until April 1903 (De Demer, 25.4.1903). At his wedding in Saint-Servais (Namur) on 25.7.1903, Darimont was recorded as a photographer domiciled in Liège.
1902 - 1903 Hasselt, Rue de Maestricht, 31
Photography and collotype, as well as photographic supplies. "Former operator-retoucher photographer at first order establishments in Liège" (De Demer, 11.10.1902).
1902 - 1903 Tongres
Branch. First mentioned in advertisements in the second half of December 1902 (De Demer, 20.12.1902).
1907 - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue des Palais, 181<07-10> then 215<11-14>
"Artistic Photography" (La Comète Belge, 1.11.1907). Possibly connected to fairground photography as well.
1907 - 1913 Namur, Rue Rousselle, 7
Photographic supplies.
Léopold Théodore, ° 10.6.1879. Photographer, chemist, and electrician. Patent of 25.6.1900 for "a photolinographic process" [photography on fabrics]. Advertising here until April 1903 (De Demer, 25.4.1903). At his wedding in Saint-Servais (Namur) on 25.7.1903, Darimont was recorded as a photographer domiciled in Liège.
1902 - 1903 Hasselt, Rue de Maestricht, 31
Photography and collotype, as well as photographic supplies. "Former operator-retoucher photographer at first order establishments in Liège" (De Demer, 11.10.1902).
1902 - 1903 Tongres
Branch. First mentioned in advertisements in the second half of December 1902 (De Demer, 20.12.1902).
1907 - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue des Palais, 181<07-10> then 215<11-14>
"Artistic Photography" (La Comète Belge, 1.11.1907). Possibly connected to fairground photography as well.
1907 - 1913 Namur, Rue Rousselle, 7
Photographic supplies.
1900 Hasselt, Zuivelmarkt, 27
1902 - 1903 Hasselt, Rue de Maestricht, 31
1902 - 1903 Tongres
1907 - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue des Palais, 181<07-10> then 215<11-14>
1907 - 1913 Namur, Rue Rousselle, 7
1902 - 1903 Hasselt, Rue de Maestricht, 31
1902 - 1903 Tongres
1907 - 1914 Bruxelles, Rue des Palais, 181<07-10> then 215<11-14>
1907 - 1913 Namur, Rue Rousselle, 7
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 26.9.2017 & 12.11.2018; revised 3.4.2019 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 11.4.2022 & 31.10.2024