Printed: 2025-02-17
Daveluy, Victor
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Bruges, 1846 - Bruges, 1886
1865 - 1881 / Bruges, Quai Vert, 87 or 7<78>
Predecessor: Daveluy & Fils
° 17.4.1846; + 26.7.1886. Eldest son of Edouard Alexis. In 1866, he presented King Léopold II with an album containing views of Bruges and of its monuments. He became director of the family firm and employed, among others, Alfons Watteyne, 1876 ca. On 2.8.1875, he received permission to photograph paintings by Memling as well as the shrine of Saint Ursula. Urban views. Domiciled at no. 6 in the 1866 population register. Returned to the same address on 31.12.1880, after having left Bruges for Blankerbeghe in 1876. His death was certified by an employee, Albert De Souter, also a photographer (see that name).
1876 * - 1880 ca Blankenberghe, Rue d'Ouest, 13 or 23
Predecessor: Daveluy & Fils #
Moved his domicile to Blankenberghe on 7.6.1876. Took over the branch studio at this address, probably after a period of inactivity.
1876 ca - 1880 ca Ostende, Rue de la Chapelle, 105
Predecessor: Daveluy & Fils Successor: Daveluy Jules
1881 * - 1886 + Bruges, Place Saint-Jean, 5 (Marché aux Poulets)
Predecessor: Daveluy - D'Elhougne Successor: Daveluy Veuve Victor
Still listed in the directories in 1890.
Predecessor: Daveluy & Fils
° 17.4.1846; + 26.7.1886. Eldest son of Edouard Alexis. In 1866, he presented King Léopold II with an album containing views of Bruges and of its monuments. He became director of the family firm and employed, among others, Alfons Watteyne, 1876 ca. On 2.8.1875, he received permission to photograph paintings by Memling as well as the shrine of Saint Ursula. Urban views. Domiciled at no. 6 in the 1866 population register. Returned to the same address on 31.12.1880, after having left Bruges for Blankerbeghe in 1876. His death was certified by an employee, Albert De Souter, also a photographer (see that name).
1876 * - 1880 ca Blankenberghe, Rue d'Ouest, 13 or 23
Predecessor: Daveluy & Fils #
Moved his domicile to Blankenberghe on 7.6.1876. Took over the branch studio at this address, probably after a period of inactivity.
1876 ca - 1880 ca Ostende, Rue de la Chapelle, 105
Predecessor: Daveluy & Fils Successor: Daveluy Jules
1881 * - 1886 + Bruges, Place Saint-Jean, 5 (Marché aux Poulets)
Predecessor: Daveluy - D'Elhougne Successor: Daveluy Veuve Victor
Still listed in the directories in 1890.
1865 - 1881 / Bruges, Quai Vert, 87 or 7<78>
1876 * - 1880 ca Blankenberghe, Rue d'Ouest, 13 or 23
1876 ca - 1880 ca Ostende, Rue de la Chapelle, 105
1881 * - 1886 + Bruges, Place Saint-Jean, 5 (Marché aux Poulets)
1876 * - 1880 ca Blankenberghe, Rue d'Ouest, 13 or 23
1876 ca - 1880 ca Ostende, Rue de la Chapelle, 105
1881 * - 1886 + Bruges, Place Saint-Jean, 5 (Marché aux Poulets)
Paris, 1867 (large views of Bruges, 3 francs a piece; honorable mention); Paris, 1878 (lithographs); Sydney, 1879; Brussels, 1880; Melbourne, 1880-1881; Bruges, 1881; Ghent, 1882 ("Daveluy-D'Elhougne", lithographs, no photographs); Amsterdam, 1883 (lithographs, no photographs).
Genres / subject matter
BIEBOUW, Luc, et al. De Brugse drukkersfamilie Daveluy. Brugge's Trots en Koninklijke Troef. Brussels, 2004, 176 pp. Chapter 12: "Daveluy en Fotografie", pp. 62-67.
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 4.5.2018; MD revised 14.2.2022, 18.10.2022 & 12.2.2025