Printed: 2025-02-16
De Bonnier, Henri (& Cie)
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Connected
Life dates
Angleur, 1840 - Brussels, 1898
1874 * - 1898 + Bruxelles, Rue de la Blanchisserie, 14
Predecessor: Deltenre - Walker Successor: De Bonnier Arthur; De Bonnier Veuve H.
Hyacinthe Louis Henri, ° 10.7.1840; + 7.1.1898. Optician and chemist. Supplies for opticians and photographers. Manufacturer of chemicals, lenses, paper, etc. Described in 1869 as a "businessman from Liège" and registered as a chemist, he arrived at this address from Liège on 2.10.1874. Initially he collaborated with Jonniaux Frères in Liège. "Firm founded in 1845 (...) Chemicals for scientific, pharmaceutical, photographic, and industrial purposes (...) General supplies for photographers. Agency for lenses and cameras by Thomas Ross & Co. and J.H. Dallmeyer in London; Darlot and Derogy in Paris; Steinheil in Munich. Extra rapid silver bromide plates" (Rozez, 1881). Agency for the Autotype Company of London, 1875-1877. Firm still registered under his name in the directories until 1903 when it was being run by his widow. Member of the ABP from 10.9.1874.
Predecessor: Deltenre - Walker Successor: De Bonnier Arthur; De Bonnier Veuve H.
Hyacinthe Louis Henri, ° 10.7.1840; + 7.1.1898. Optician and chemist. Supplies for opticians and photographers. Manufacturer of chemicals, lenses, paper, etc. Described in 1869 as a "businessman from Liège" and registered as a chemist, he arrived at this address from Liège on 2.10.1874. Initially he collaborated with Jonniaux Frères in Liège. "Firm founded in 1845 (...) Chemicals for scientific, pharmaceutical, photographic, and industrial purposes (...) General supplies for photographers. Agency for lenses and cameras by Thomas Ross & Co. and J.H. Dallmeyer in London; Darlot and Derogy in Paris; Steinheil in Munich. Extra rapid silver bromide plates" (Rozez, 1881). Agency for the Autotype Company of London, 1875-1877. Firm still registered under his name in the directories until 1903 when it was being run by his widow. Member of the ABP from 10.9.1874.
1874 * - 1898 + Bruxelles, Rue de la Blanchisserie, 14
Brussels, 1888; Antwerp, 1894 (jury).
Genres / subject matter
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1874 - 1898
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 20.8.2017; SFJ revised 30.10.2019 & 25.3.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght