Printed: 2025-03-07
de Potter, Ernest
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
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- Connected / Amateur
Life dates
Brussels - Schaerbeek, 1875 - Brussels - Schaerbeek, 1924
1897 - 1913 Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Chaussée de Haecht, 164 or 146
Ernest Louis François, ° 22.6.1875; + 17.12.1924. Energetic promoter of amateur and documentary photography in turn-of-the-century Belgium. Editor of the "Bulletin du Photo-Club de Belgique", 1897-1901, then of the "Revue belge de photographie", 1902-1905, then of the "Revue internationale de photographie", 1906-1913. President of the Board of Directors of the "Musée belge des photographies documentaires"; director of the "Institut international de Photographie". Secretary of the "Photo-Club de Belgique" in 1898 and librarian of the club in 1903-1904. Member then corresponding member of the "Club d'amateurs photographes de Belgique". Member of the "Photo-Club de Schaerbeek" by 1902. Corresponding member of the "Cercle Photographique d’Ixelles", 1906-1908. Honorary member of the "Cercle d’études photographiques et scientifiques d’Anvers". Instigated the creation of a federating body "Union nationale des Sociétés belges de photographie" in 1906-1907 and became its president.
de Potter's activity continued formally until the "Institut international de Photographie" was dissolved in 1921 and its holdings transferred to the successor organisation of the "Institut international de Bibliographie" in Brussels. In recognition of his role as an intelligence agent for the British during World War I, de Potter was awarded the Military Cross.
Ernest Louis François, ° 22.6.1875; + 17.12.1924. Energetic promoter of amateur and documentary photography in turn-of-the-century Belgium. Editor of the "Bulletin du Photo-Club de Belgique", 1897-1901, then of the "Revue belge de photographie", 1902-1905, then of the "Revue internationale de photographie", 1906-1913. President of the Board of Directors of the "Musée belge des photographies documentaires"; director of the "Institut international de Photographie". Secretary of the "Photo-Club de Belgique" in 1898 and librarian of the club in 1903-1904. Member then corresponding member of the "Club d'amateurs photographes de Belgique". Member of the "Photo-Club de Schaerbeek" by 1902. Corresponding member of the "Cercle Photographique d’Ixelles", 1906-1908. Honorary member of the "Cercle d’études photographiques et scientifiques d’Anvers". Instigated the creation of a federating body "Union nationale des Sociétés belges de photographie" in 1906-1907 and became its president.
de Potter's activity continued formally until the "Institut international de Photographie" was dissolved in 1921 and its holdings transferred to the successor organisation of the "Institut international de Bibliographie" in Brussels. In recognition of his role as an intelligence agent for the British during World War I, de Potter was awarded the Military Cross.
1897 - 1913 Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Chaussée de Haecht, 164 or 146
Antwerp (CEPSA), 1903.
Genres / subject matter
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Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 6.10.2018, 8.3.2019 & 2.4.2019; SFJ revised 25.5.2020, 31.5.2020, 25.6.2020 & 5.5.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 2.3.2023 & 9.3.2023; SFJ revised 28.4.2023, 16.10.2023, 5.5.2024 & 9.6.2024 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght