Printed: 2025-02-16
De Saedeler, Hector [1]
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Brussels, 1826 - Brussels, 1868
1860 - 1868 + Bruxelles - Saint-Josse, Chaussée de Haecht, 30<61-67>, 32<62ca> or 38<68>
Successor: De Saedeler Hector (Maison)
° 17.6.1826; + 3.12.1868. "De Sadeler" and "Chaussée D'Aegcht" on some on some CVs. Arrived at this address on 3.5.1861 from Rue Verte, where he was registered as an artist and painter. An anonymous daguerreotype exists (see Anonymous [10] Brussels<60>), "Chaussée de Haeght, 30". In the "Echo de Bruxelles" in September 1860, advertisements appeared for portraits and CVs, Chaussée de Haeght, 32 with no name given. This is most probably a first trace of De Saedeler, at that time domiciled in Brussels - Laeken. "Establishment for artistic and industrial photography, firm founded three years ago" (Journal de Bruxelles, 5.7.1862). CVs exist bearing a lithographic backmark including the address Chaussée d’Aegcht, 30.
Successor: De Saedeler Hector (Maison)
° 17.6.1826; + 3.12.1868. "De Sadeler" and "Chaussée D'Aegcht" on some on some CVs. Arrived at this address on 3.5.1861 from Rue Verte, where he was registered as an artist and painter. An anonymous daguerreotype exists (see Anonymous [10] Brussels<60>), "Chaussée de Haeght, 30". In the "Echo de Bruxelles" in September 1860, advertisements appeared for portraits and CVs, Chaussée de Haeght, 32 with no name given. This is most probably a first trace of De Saedeler, at that time domiciled in Brussels - Laeken. "Establishment for artistic and industrial photography, firm founded three years ago" (Journal de Bruxelles, 5.7.1862). CVs exist bearing a lithographic backmark including the address Chaussée d’Aegcht, 30.
1860 - 1868 + Bruxelles - Saint-Josse, Chaussée de Haecht, 30<61-67>, 32<62ca> or 38<68>
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 8.6.2020, 29.11.2020, 18.3.2022 & 16.8.2024 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 9.11.2023 based on information supplied by Frank Driesen; SFJ revised 21.1.2024 based on information supplied by Frank Driesen; MD revised 13.5.2024 based on information supplied by Marc De Clercq