Printed: 2025-02-12
Demuenynck (- Ragons), Joseph
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional / Connected
Life dates
Ostend, 1872 - Brussels - Uccle, 1949
1893 - 1898 / Ostende, Rue Christine, 127
Joseph Louis Camille Valentine, ° 2.7.1872; + 14.7.1949. Sometimes spelled "Demeunynck". Married Jeanne Clémentine Ragons (1877 - 1966) on 12.12.1897. General photographic supplies. Note that someone was already trading in photographic supplies at this address in July 1891 (Hélios Illustré, 15.7.1891). At the end of 1892, two images of a stranded whale, based on photographs by amateur photographer "J. Demuenynck Fils", appeared in "Le Patriote Illustré".
1898 * - 1914 > Ostende, Adolf Buylstraat, 44<98-09>, 32<06-08> then 38<08-14> [= Rue de l'Ouest / Rue d'Ouest]
"General photographic supplies. Kodak products. Glazed portraits on enamel. Physics and scientific instruments for schools. Slide shows. Optics. Inks and glues". "Supplier to H.R.H. Princess Clémentine of Belgium, to the Army and to the Navy. Slide shows. Slide views for hire" [Monod, 1904]. Opening at this address announced for 2.3.1898. Registered a trade mark on 8.1.1902 consisting of a camera on a tripod with accessories and the words "Produits Photographiques DROF". Demuenynck transferred his warehouse from no. 44 to no. 32 on 14.4.1906, but still advertised as an optician at no. 44 in 1906-1909. Appears not to have had a portrait studio, but views signed by him do exist, including a stereo series "Littoral belge". Also traded here as "Littoral-Optical" at an unspecified period. Demuenynck was a member of the "Société photographique de Dunkerque" in 1911-1914 and probably years earlier.
Joseph Louis Camille Valentine, ° 2.7.1872; + 14.7.1949. Sometimes spelled "Demeunynck". Married Jeanne Clémentine Ragons (1877 - 1966) on 12.12.1897. General photographic supplies. Note that someone was already trading in photographic supplies at this address in July 1891 (Hélios Illustré, 15.7.1891). At the end of 1892, two images of a stranded whale, based on photographs by amateur photographer "J. Demuenynck Fils", appeared in "Le Patriote Illustré".
1898 * - 1914 > Ostende, Adolf Buylstraat, 44<98-09>, 32<06-08> then 38<08-14> [= Rue de l'Ouest / Rue d'Ouest]
"General photographic supplies. Kodak products. Glazed portraits on enamel. Physics and scientific instruments for schools. Slide shows. Optics. Inks and glues". "Supplier to H.R.H. Princess Clémentine of Belgium, to the Army and to the Navy. Slide shows. Slide views for hire" [Monod, 1904]. Opening at this address announced for 2.3.1898. Registered a trade mark on 8.1.1902 consisting of a camera on a tripod with accessories and the words "Produits Photographiques DROF". Demuenynck transferred his warehouse from no. 44 to no. 32 on 14.4.1906, but still advertised as an optician at no. 44 in 1906-1909. Appears not to have had a portrait studio, but views signed by him do exist, including a stereo series "Littoral belge". Also traded here as "Littoral-Optical" at an unspecified period. Demuenynck was a member of the "Société photographique de Dunkerque" in 1911-1914 and probably years earlier.
1893 - 1898 / Ostende, Rue Christine, 127
1898 * - 1914 > Ostende, Adolf Buylstraat, 44<98-09>, 32<06-08> then 38<08-14> [= Rue de l'Ouest / Rue d'Ouest]
1898 * - 1914 > Ostende, Adolf Buylstraat, 44<98-09>, 32<06-08> then 38<08-14> [= Rue de l'Ouest / Rue d'Ouest]
Paris, "Exposition internationale du travail", 1901 (diploma with gold medal); Dunkirk, "Exposition de photographie", 1901 (Franco-Russian competition).
Genres / subject matter
Record source
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Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 24.1.2017 & 13.9.2017; SFJ revised 25.2.2019, 6.8.2020 & 5.12.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; SFJ revised 23.12.2022; MD revised 17.9.2020, 28.10.2020 & 4.1.2024