Printed: 2025-02-11
Devigne, Louis
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Dinant, 1851 - Dinant, 1887
1873 - 1887 + Dinant, Rue Saint-Pierre, 93<79> then 16<80-82>
Louis Xavier, ° 4.3.1851; + 23.5.1887. On CVs in the early 1870s, "L. Devigne Fils" = son of Louis Hyacinthe Devigne (° Dinant, 25.9.1814; + Dinant, 2.1.1882), stone mason, then cabinet maker on death certificate. In fact, since the earliest CVs signed "Louis Devigne" and bearing no street address appear to date from the late 1860s, it is quite possible that Devigne senior was also a photographer. "Devigne, F." in the directories from 1875 to 1883. In 1884, he was registered as a clockmaker. "Views of Dinant and surroundings: banks of the Meuse and the Lesse, Walzin, Chaleux, Leffe, ruins of Montaigle, Crevecoeur and Poilvache. Rochefort. Han and Rochefort grottoes. Waulsort. Freyr. Monia, etc., etc. Views in carbon. Agency at Delplace - Lemoine, printer-bookseller in Dinant." (Advertisement, 1879). "Tourists desirous of obtaining a group photograph of themselves, either in the countryside surrounding Dinant, or on a launch on the banks of the Meuse or the Lesse, may apply to L. Devigne, who will satisfy their desires to their entire satisfaction" (Advertisement, 1884).
Louis Xavier, ° 4.3.1851; + 23.5.1887. On CVs in the early 1870s, "L. Devigne Fils" = son of Louis Hyacinthe Devigne (° Dinant, 25.9.1814; + Dinant, 2.1.1882), stone mason, then cabinet maker on death certificate. In fact, since the earliest CVs signed "Louis Devigne" and bearing no street address appear to date from the late 1860s, it is quite possible that Devigne senior was also a photographer. "Devigne, F." in the directories from 1875 to 1883. In 1884, he was registered as a clockmaker. "Views of Dinant and surroundings: banks of the Meuse and the Lesse, Walzin, Chaleux, Leffe, ruins of Montaigle, Crevecoeur and Poilvache. Rochefort. Han and Rochefort grottoes. Waulsort. Freyr. Monia, etc., etc. Views in carbon. Agency at Delplace - Lemoine, printer-bookseller in Dinant." (Advertisement, 1879). "Tourists desirous of obtaining a group photograph of themselves, either in the countryside surrounding Dinant, or on a launch on the banks of the Meuse or the Lesse, may apply to L. Devigne, who will satisfy their desires to their entire satisfaction" (Advertisement, 1884).
1873 - 1887 + Dinant, Rue Saint-Pierre, 93<79> then 16<80-82>
Brussels, 1880; Brussels, 1883.
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 2.12.2017 & 16.1.2019;; MD revised 5.9.2023; SFJ revised 5.9.2023 based on information supplied by Jean-Pol Weber