Printed: 2025-01-02
Dierckx, François
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
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- Amateur
Life dates
Turnhout, 1863 - Goddine, 1937
1901 - 1902 Java [ID]
François Pierre Marie Joseph, ° 14.1.1863; + 30.10.1937. Jesuit priest. Gave numerous talks in 1902-1903 about an 8-month trip to Java [ID], illustrated with his own slides. Dierckx reportedly made this trip using a scholarship received from the university of Leuven (Het Handelsblad, 16.2.1902). Several newspapers reported an attack on Dierckx' life in Buitenzorg (current day Bogor) [ID] on 12.1.1902. Most of his talks were focused on Java's volcanoes, but other subjects he treated were indigenous festivals and landscapes. One source mentions that his slides were of high quality and large dimensions (Avenir du Luxembourg, 16.4.1903).
1912 Namur
Professor at the faculty of sciences of the "Collège Notre-Dame de la Paix" in Namur. He took part in an experiment in Namur to photograph the solar eclipse on 17.4.1912 (illustrated in Le Patroite Illustré, 28.4.1912). Amongst the other priests taking part were Fathers Pinto and Schaffers from Louvain, Stein from Amsterdam, Wulf and Willaert, the latter directing a cinematographic recording of the eclipse.
François Pierre Marie Joseph, ° 14.1.1863; + 30.10.1937. Jesuit priest. Gave numerous talks in 1902-1903 about an 8-month trip to Java [ID], illustrated with his own slides. Dierckx reportedly made this trip using a scholarship received from the university of Leuven (Het Handelsblad, 16.2.1902). Several newspapers reported an attack on Dierckx' life in Buitenzorg (current day Bogor) [ID] on 12.1.1902. Most of his talks were focused on Java's volcanoes, but other subjects he treated were indigenous festivals and landscapes. One source mentions that his slides were of high quality and large dimensions (Avenir du Luxembourg, 16.4.1903).
1912 Namur
Professor at the faculty of sciences of the "Collège Notre-Dame de la Paix" in Namur. He took part in an experiment in Namur to photograph the solar eclipse on 17.4.1912 (illustrated in Le Patroite Illustré, 28.4.1912). Amongst the other priests taking part were Fathers Pinto and Schaffers from Louvain, Stein from Amsterdam, Wulf and Willaert, the latter directing a cinematographic recording of the eclipse.
1901 - 1902 Java [ID]
1912 Namur
1912 Namur
Genres / subject matter
Record source
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Dates of creation/revision
MD new 16.10.2024; MD revised 18.10.2024; MD revised 22.10.2024 and merged with entry 2017#1031 ("Dierickx, (Father)")