Printed: 2025-03-14
du Bois d'Aische, Adrien (Count)Send us additional info
Person (Male)
- Amateur / Connected
Life dates
Brussels, 1852 - Antwerp, 1936
1896 - 1900 Louvain
Adrien Charles Louis Marie Hubert Ghislain, ° 22.2.1852; + 25.8.1936. Founder member and president of the "Photoclub de Louvain". Pinhole images.
1898 * Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Rue Cornet de Grez, 5
Predecessor: Baisieux Jules
Described as a manufacturer when registering the trademark "Noir et Blanc" on 31.8.1898 for very rapid dry plates for sale in packets of 12. The label stated there was a "steam and electric factory" at this address. Also see entry for "Société Anonyme Noir et Blanc".
Adrien Charles Louis Marie Hubert Ghislain, ° 22.2.1852; + 25.8.1936. Founder member and president of the "Photoclub de Louvain". Pinhole images.
1898 * Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Rue Cornet de Grez, 5
Predecessor: Baisieux Jules
Described as a manufacturer when registering the trademark "Noir et Blanc" on 31.8.1898 for very rapid dry plates for sale in packets of 12. The label stated there was a "steam and electric factory" at this address. Also see entry for "Société Anonyme Noir et Blanc".
1896 - 1900 Louvain
1898 * Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Rue Cornet de Grez, 5
1898 * Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Rue Cornet de Grez, 5
Louvain, 1896.
Affiliated entity
Record source
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 25.12.2017, 9.1.2019 & 6.4.2020; SFJ revised 13.2.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght