Printed: 2025-02-13
Dubar, Edouard
Person (Male)
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- Professional
Life dates
Ostend, 1803 - Ostend, 1879
1865 - 1866 / Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Chaussée de Haecht, 77
Edouard Julien Joseph, ° 2.8.1803; + 27.5.1879. Painter and lithographer. "I developed a taste for painting when I was about thirteen; two old Ostend painters, Van Cuyck and Dubar, elbow deep in oils and brine, initiated me into the disenchanting subjects of their bleak, narrow and stillborn craft". (J. Ensor, Mes écrits, Liège, n.d., p. 205). According to Norbert Hostyn, however, Dubar’s satirical lithos on army life, "Types de l'Armée belge en 1865" are not lacking in merit. Moved with his family to Ostend on 5.4.1866 and is documented as going into partnership with his son-in-law Joseph Philippe Daniels: see entry for Dubar, [Edouard] & Daniels, [Joseph].
Edouard Julien Joseph, ° 2.8.1803; + 27.5.1879. Painter and lithographer. "I developed a taste for painting when I was about thirteen; two old Ostend painters, Van Cuyck and Dubar, elbow deep in oils and brine, initiated me into the disenchanting subjects of their bleak, narrow and stillborn craft". (J. Ensor, Mes écrits, Liège, n.d., p. 205). According to Norbert Hostyn, however, Dubar’s satirical lithos on army life, "Types de l'Armée belge en 1865" are not lacking in merit. Moved with his family to Ostend on 5.4.1866 and is documented as going into partnership with his son-in-law Joseph Philippe Daniels: see entry for Dubar, [Edouard] & Daniels, [Joseph].
1865 - 1866 / Bruxelles - Schaerbeek, Chaussée de Haecht, 77
Genres / subject matter
HOSTYN, Norbert. "Edouard Dubar kunstschilder, lithograaf & fotograaf van het 19de eeuwse Oostende", Biekorf. Westvlaams archief voor geschiedenis, vol. 83, 1983, pp. 264-269.
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Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 3.11.2018 & 20.6.2023; MD revised 24.7.2022