Dupont (Studio)




Alternative name or descriptor

  • Photographie Dupont

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules


  • Professional


Life dates


1864 * - 1901 / Bruxelles, Rue Neuve, 67<64-86>, 75<87-90> then 109<91-00>
Predecessor: Detournay Dorothée Jeanne Louise
Main studio. Henri Louis Aimé Dupont (° Ypres, 6.12.1839) arrived from Ghent on 16.10.1863 (Rue Blaes, 21), then Rue des Minimes 19 bis on 13.9.1864, before moving to this address on 10.10.1864. Married Dorothée Jeanne Louise Detournay (° Ghent, 3.3.1838; + Brussels, 22.10.1900) on 7.10.1864. The wedding was witnessed by Gustave De Vylder and Gustave Charlier (see those names). CVs exist "Mr & Mme Dupont", 1866. In the directories: "Dupont Mr & Mme Henri" until 1874; no first name in 1875; "A." in 1878, "J." from 1878 to 1880; no first name in 1880; "J." from 1894 onwards.
"Photographer to the diplomatic corps, to the great bodies of state, the magistrature, the army, the ministries, the public administrations, the world of letters, science and the arts, etc. Publisher of the Panthéon Belge". Henri Dupont left for Paris on 4.11.1874 but was still listed as a vice-president of the "Mutuelle photographique belge" in 1875. Divorce pronounced on 6.6.1877.
In Paris, Henri continued his career as a photographer, perhaps operating with or for a brother named Aimé Dupont (° Brussels, 6.12.1841; + New York City [USA], 16.2.1900). The latter founded the firm of Aimé Dupont & Cie and, described as a "sculptor and art photographer", operated at Avenue des Champs-Elysées, 28 in the 1870s. He acquired "Photographie Waléry", Rue de Londres, 9 bis in 1880. In 1881, Aimé Dupont acquired a brick works which went bankrupt in 1884 or 1885. Thereafter he emigrated to the USA where he became a prominent theatrical photographer in New York. In the meantime, there is further trace of H. Dupont in Paris, at Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, 42 as a "publisher and photographer" and Henri Dupont, "Photographe des Ecoles", at Rue de Buci, 11 in 1890.
After the separation and divorce, Madame Dupont continued running the studio under the same name, aided by her son Georges, who was domiciled with her until his marriage in 1895. H. Vander Weyde transferred to Mme Dupont on 4.6.1879 the rights to an import patent of 2.2.1877 and a patent of 21.3.1879 relating to "improvements in photography" [series of large reflectors set up in the portrait studio for intensifying the light].
Mme Dupont remarried a hotel keeper in Brussels in 1881 and remained domiciled at this address until her death on 22.10.1900. "Photographer to their Royal Highnesses the Count and the Countess of Flanders". On CVs from 1884 to 1888, "Pose by natural or electric light". Founder member of the ABP: "Dupont", no first name until 1881 but de facto the first female member of the ABP; "Mme Dupont" in 1882-1883 membership lists and on 1884 file card. Following the death of his mother, Georges probably closed down this studio and transferred operations exclusively to his own studio in Rue Royale.
1867 - 1870 / Liège, Rue de la Cathédrale, 53
Successor: Barras Victor (senior)
Branch studio. "Dupont J." in the directory. May have been operating in Liège earlier. Announced that the studio had moved to Place Verte, 9 in April 1870.
1867 * - 1869 Mons, Rue des Fripiers, 6
Predecessor: Perin Eugène Jeune or Latouche A. # Successor: Josz (- Dongrie) R.
Branch studio.
1868 * Verviers, "Le Manège"
Branch studio scheduled to open in early April 1868, according to a report in "La Meuse" of 25.3.1868.
1868 * Spa, Route de la Sauvenière (Jardins Levoz)
In July 1868, it was reported that Mr Dupont from Brussels had established a studio here (La Meuse, 10.7.1868).
1868 * - 1869 Namur, Rue de Fer, 60
Successor: Gevaert Hippolyte
Opening advertised on 25.11.1868, in the "Hôtel des Messageries", a business building (the various photographers operating in it were not necessarily linked). This branch studio was possibly managed by Hippolyte Gevaert.
1869 */ Charleroi, Rue de la Montagne, 28
Predecessor: Daugneaux Lucien
On Lucien Daugneaux’s premises. Temporary branch studio from March to June, open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Representative: Mr Baudhouin.
1869 / Bruges, Witte Leertauwersstraat, 65
Permanent closure of studio announced (Standaert van Vlaenderen, 1.11.1869).
1870 * - 1878 Liège, Place Verte, 9
"Dupont Aimé" in the directories. The studio had moved here by April 1870. This was a branch studio of Brussels, Rue Neuve, 67 and the CV mounts carry both addresses. Henri Dupont lived in Paris [F], Rue des Champs Elysées, 28, listed as a branch studio, in 1875 (as appears from a police report dated June 1875). At the same address, at an unspecified date, "Sculpture and Photography by Aimé Dupont".
1873 Bruxelles, Rue de la Loi, 57
Successor: Dupont A.
1883 * - 1884 Ostende, Rue de Flandre, 8
Branch studio. Opening on 15.7.1883. “Dupont J.” in the directory.
1885 - 1887 Ostende, Hotel de Flandre
Advertising at this address from July 1885 to October 1887.
1888 - 1895 Ostende, Rampe de Flandre, 36
Branch studio. “Dupont J.” in the directory, or “Dupont A.” in 1891-1895.


1864 * - 1901 / Bruxelles, Rue Neuve, 67<64-86>, 75<87-90> then 109<91-00>
1867 - 1870 / Liège, Rue de la Cathédrale, 53
1867 * - 1869 Mons, Rue des Fripiers, 6
1868 * Verviers, "Le Manège"
1868 * Spa, Route de la Sauvenière (Jardins Levoz)
1868 * - 1869 Namur, Rue de Fer, 60
1869 */ Charleroi, Rue de la Montagne, 28
1869 / Bruges, Witte Leertauwersstraat, 65
1870 * - 1878 Liège, Place Verte, 9
1873 Bruxelles, Rue de la Loi, 57
1883 * - 1884 Ostende, Rue de Flandre, 8
1885 - 1887 Ostende, Hotel de Flandre
1888 - 1895 Ostende, Rampe de Flandre, 36


Brussels, 1874; Brussels, 1875 (carbon; no forename); Utrecht, 1876 (silver medal); Paris, 1878; Brussels, 1880; Ghent, 1880 ("Mme"; silver medal and diploma; the application of electric light in photography); Paris, 1881 (initial "J"; "photographs made by electric light, with the Van der Weyde process"); Lille, 1882 ("Mme"; silver medal); Amsterdam, 1883 ("Mme J."; photographs made by electric light); Brussels, 1883 (initial "J"; bronze medal); Nice, 1883-1884 (photographs made by electric light); Antwerp, 1885; Brussels, 1888; Louvain, 1888.

Genres / subject matter





Affiliated entity

Association belge de Photographie

Type of affiliation

Member of

Dates of affiliation

1874 - 1884

Description of relationship


Record source



Level of detail

Dates of creation/revision

SFJ revised 26.12.2017, 29.1.2018 & 3.12.2018; SFJ revised 6.4.2020, 5.12.2020, 30.9.2021, 24.1.2022 & 31.1.2025 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; SFJ revised 19.3.2024; MD revised 25.8.2020, 16.3.2021, 16.3.2022, 28.10.2022, 20.6.2023, 4.3.2024 & 26.2.2025




Maintenance notes
