Printed: 2025-03-07
Gilles, François
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Hemptinne, 1829 - Namur - Salzinnes, 1893
1863 * - 1873 / Namur, Rue de la Croix, 4
Successor: Gilles (- Ledoux) Amand
François Xavier, ° 29.5.1829; + 4.4.1893. Sometimes written "Gille". First photographer in a family whose activities spanned three generations and over a hundred years. Originally a baker by trade, he created a photographic studio on the site of his bakery, in conjunction with his brothers Charles and Alexandre (see those names). Early CVs are signed "Gilles" with no forename. François Gilles is believed to have transferred day-to-day running of the studio to his brother Amand in 1873, which seems to be confirmed by backmarks on photographs, but "F. Gilles" continues to be listed in the directories until 1880. At that time he had relocated to Salzinnes to manage a brickworks previously belonging to his father-in-law.
"Photography. Novelty. Cartes for albums indicating the time in the main cities of the world. Complete collection, 5 cartes 4 frs. Belgium - France - Europe - America - The World. Single cartes 1 fr. each. At Gilles, publisher-photographer" (Organe de Namur, 10 & 13.6.1866).
Successor: Gilles (- Ledoux) Amand
François Xavier, ° 29.5.1829; + 4.4.1893. Sometimes written "Gille". First photographer in a family whose activities spanned three generations and over a hundred years. Originally a baker by trade, he created a photographic studio on the site of his bakery, in conjunction with his brothers Charles and Alexandre (see those names). Early CVs are signed "Gilles" with no forename. François Gilles is believed to have transferred day-to-day running of the studio to his brother Amand in 1873, which seems to be confirmed by backmarks on photographs, but "F. Gilles" continues to be listed in the directories until 1880. At that time he had relocated to Salzinnes to manage a brickworks previously belonging to his father-in-law.
"Photography. Novelty. Cartes for albums indicating the time in the main cities of the world. Complete collection, 5 cartes 4 frs. Belgium - France - Europe - America - The World. Single cartes 1 fr. each. At Gilles, publisher-photographer" (Organe de Namur, 10 & 13.6.1866).
1863 * - 1873 / Namur, Rue de la Croix, 4
Genres / subject matter
PIGEOLET, Valentine. "La Maison Gilles 1860-1974. Le portrait d’une famille namuroise" in BODART, Emmanuel, Anne ROEKENS & Luc STOKART (éd.), Instants cadrés. Portraits photographiques de la Maison Gilles à Namur (1860-1914), Namur, 2021, pp. 17-31.
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
MCC revised 22.5.2018; SFJ revised 11.5.2019 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; SFJ revised 5.9.2019 based on information supplied by Martine Begerem; SFJ revised 31.12.2021