Printed: 2025-01-14
Hart, Ludovico Wolfgang
Person (Male)
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- Professional
Life dates
?, 1836 - Waimea, Hawaii, 1919
1867 * Ostende, Rue de la Chapelle, 105
Operator for Daveluy & Fils at this address. "Opening of Daveluy's photographic establishment. I have the honour to inform my numerous clientele that the arrangement made between Mr Hart and myself will ensure the collaboration of this distinguished operator in my establishment. Mr Hart, photographer from London, has come from Monsieur Numa Blanc's studios [in Paris], and he is the King of Prussia's photographer in Paris and Baden-Baden" (L'Echo d'Ostende, 29.6.1867).
Hart was indeed an experienced photographer of nearly fifteen years standing. He had begun his career in photography with the Royal Engineers in the 1850s before moving to Paris. Hart's activity in Belgium took place following his collaboration with Charles Lallemand, a journalist from Strasbourg [F], on a series of photographically illustrated books under the title "Galerie Universelle des Peuples" which had taken him to the Middle East in 1865. His stay in Ostend was probably quite brief. In 1877 Hart left Europe for Australia at the behest of the New South Wales Government Printing Office in Sydney to operate the Woodburytype process there. Hart remained in Australia for the rest of his career, running a portrait studio in Melbourne in the 1880s and 1890s.
Operator for Daveluy & Fils at this address. "Opening of Daveluy's photographic establishment. I have the honour to inform my numerous clientele that the arrangement made between Mr Hart and myself will ensure the collaboration of this distinguished operator in my establishment. Mr Hart, photographer from London, has come from Monsieur Numa Blanc's studios [in Paris], and he is the King of Prussia's photographer in Paris and Baden-Baden" (L'Echo d'Ostende, 29.6.1867).
Hart was indeed an experienced photographer of nearly fifteen years standing. He had begun his career in photography with the Royal Engineers in the 1850s before moving to Paris. Hart's activity in Belgium took place following his collaboration with Charles Lallemand, a journalist from Strasbourg [F], on a series of photographically illustrated books under the title "Galerie Universelle des Peuples" which had taken him to the Middle East in 1865. His stay in Ostend was probably quite brief. In 1877 Hart left Europe for Australia at the behest of the New South Wales Government Printing Office in Sydney to operate the Woodburytype process there. Hart remained in Australia for the rest of his career, running a portrait studio in Melbourne in the 1880s and 1890s.
1867 * Ostende, Rue de la Chapelle, 105
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SFJ new 20.6.2018