Printed: 2025-02-13
Herickx, Victor
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Brussels, 1835 - ?, ?
1875 * - 1876 / Bruxelles, Rue de Laeken, 80
Predecessor: Moriau Alexandre Successor: Gétaz Mme Mathilde; Moriau Alexandre
Ferdinand Victor, ° 31.12.1835. Specialist in enamelled cards. Arrived from Brussels - Molenbeek on 2.6.1875. Established a partnership agreement with Mme Mathilde Gétaz (see that name) on 5.5.1874. Herickx was described as a photographer living in Brussels - Molenbeek, Chaussée de Gand, 66. "Mr Herickx will be responsible for management, photographic operations and the firm's general business, except for retouching negatives, which will be the responsibility of Mme Gétaz, who will also be in charge of correspondence and bookkeeping". The partnership was dissolved on 27.3.1876.
Subsequently Herickx left this address on 28.10.1876 for Brussels - Molenbeek, Boulevard du Nord, 17 where he was registered as a clerk. This was the same address as A. Moriau. Herickx was still recorded at the Rue de Laeken address, initial "F.", in the 1878 directory. Recorded as a clerk living in Brussels - Saint-Josse at his wedding in the commune on 3.2.1880, then as a photographer still living in Brussels - Saint-Josse in November 1880. Herickx moved communes soon after and was recorded as a photographer resident in Brussels in April 1881 and again when a witness at Auguste Simon's wedding in Brussels on 3.9.1881.
1887 - 1893 / Mons, Marché aux Poulets, 5
Successor: Galladé Charles
Sometimes written Hericks. Arrived in Mons on 22.12.1881 and was recorded as a photographer living in Charleroi in October 1883 when signing as a witness on the marriage certificate of Emile Quéquin (see that name). Returned to Brussels, Rue Philippe de Champagne, 32 on 12.5.1893, then several subsequent addresses in Brussels.
Predecessor: Moriau Alexandre Successor: Gétaz Mme Mathilde; Moriau Alexandre
Ferdinand Victor, ° 31.12.1835. Specialist in enamelled cards. Arrived from Brussels - Molenbeek on 2.6.1875. Established a partnership agreement with Mme Mathilde Gétaz (see that name) on 5.5.1874. Herickx was described as a photographer living in Brussels - Molenbeek, Chaussée de Gand, 66. "Mr Herickx will be responsible for management, photographic operations and the firm's general business, except for retouching negatives, which will be the responsibility of Mme Gétaz, who will also be in charge of correspondence and bookkeeping". The partnership was dissolved on 27.3.1876.
Subsequently Herickx left this address on 28.10.1876 for Brussels - Molenbeek, Boulevard du Nord, 17 where he was registered as a clerk. This was the same address as A. Moriau. Herickx was still recorded at the Rue de Laeken address, initial "F.", in the 1878 directory. Recorded as a clerk living in Brussels - Saint-Josse at his wedding in the commune on 3.2.1880, then as a photographer still living in Brussels - Saint-Josse in November 1880. Herickx moved communes soon after and was recorded as a photographer resident in Brussels in April 1881 and again when a witness at Auguste Simon's wedding in Brussels on 3.9.1881.
1887 - 1893 / Mons, Marché aux Poulets, 5
Successor: Galladé Charles
Sometimes written Hericks. Arrived in Mons on 22.12.1881 and was recorded as a photographer living in Charleroi in October 1883 when signing as a witness on the marriage certificate of Emile Quéquin (see that name). Returned to Brussels, Rue Philippe de Champagne, 32 on 12.5.1893, then several subsequent addresses in Brussels.
1875 * - 1876 / Bruxelles, Rue de Laeken, 80
1887 - 1893 / Mons, Marché aux Poulets, 5
1887 - 1893 / Mons, Marché aux Poulets, 5
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 13.5.2018; SFJ revised 23.1.2021 & 8.10.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 22.5.2023