Printed: 2025-02-12
Hermans, Gustave
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional / Connected
Life dates
Antwerp, 1856 - Antwerp - Berchem, 1934
1884 - 1898 / Anvers, Rue Saint-Gommaire, 19
Jean Baptiste Gustave, ° 7.7.1856; + 1.7.1934. Lived at this address where his wife ran a shop until 1898, then Rue Diercxsens, 9. Credit printed on negatives, "G.H. Phot." Gustave Hermans was witness at the double wedding of two younger brothers, both recorded as photographers, in Antwerp on 17.5.1894: Joannes Franciscus (° Antwerp, 2.12.1865) and Ludovicus Josephus Maria (° Antwerp, 23.11.1870).
1885 - 1892 / Anvers, Rue Dambrugge, 98
Predecessor: Indenklef Auguste
Photographic studio at this address. "Hermans A." in the directory in 1891.
1892 * - 1914 Anvers, Rue Diercxsens, 9 (studio)
Rue Diercxsens, 91 on ABP file card. "Collotype, photogravure. Publisher of postcards (views of Belgian towns). Illustrations for artistic and scientific works. Printer. Industrial albums. Line and halftone blocks". President of the "Fédération Nationale des Photographes Professionels de Belgique" in 1913 and honorary president of the affiliated "Union des Photographes Professionnels d'Anvers" in 1912-1913. "Anciens Etablissements Hermans G." at this address in 1922.
Jean Baptiste Gustave, ° 7.7.1856; + 1.7.1934. Lived at this address where his wife ran a shop until 1898, then Rue Diercxsens, 9. Credit printed on negatives, "G.H. Phot." Gustave Hermans was witness at the double wedding of two younger brothers, both recorded as photographers, in Antwerp on 17.5.1894: Joannes Franciscus (° Antwerp, 2.12.1865) and Ludovicus Josephus Maria (° Antwerp, 23.11.1870).
1885 - 1892 / Anvers, Rue Dambrugge, 98
Predecessor: Indenklef Auguste
Photographic studio at this address. "Hermans A." in the directory in 1891.
1892 * - 1914 Anvers, Rue Diercxsens, 9 (studio)
Rue Diercxsens, 91 on ABP file card. "Collotype, photogravure. Publisher of postcards (views of Belgian towns). Illustrations for artistic and scientific works. Printer. Industrial albums. Line and halftone blocks". President of the "Fédération Nationale des Photographes Professionels de Belgique" in 1913 and honorary president of the affiliated "Union des Photographes Professionnels d'Anvers" in 1912-1913. "Anciens Etablissements Hermans G." at this address in 1922.
1884 - 1898 / Anvers, Rue Saint-Gommaire, 19
1885 - 1892 / Anvers, Rue Dambrugge, 98
1892 * - 1914 Anvers, Rue Diercxsens, 9 (studio)
1885 - 1892 / Anvers, Rue Dambrugge, 98
1892 * - 1914 Anvers, Rue Diercxsens, 9 (studio)
Antwerp, 1885 (bronze medal); Paris, 1889 (silver medal); Antwerp, 1894 (silver medal); Ghent, 1913 (collotypes; hors concours).
Genres / subject matter
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1886 - 1905
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 29.12.2017, 1.1.2019, 27.2.2019 & 18.4.2019; SFJ revised 12.4.2020, 24.10.2020, 19.3.2021 & 7.3.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 28.10.2020; SFJ revised 8.4.2021; SFJ revised 8.3.2023 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght