Printed: 2025-03-14
Kirsch, Pierre JosephSend us additional info
Person (Male)
- Professional
Life dates
Aix-la-Chapelle / Aachen [Rhineland, D], 1800 - Tongres, 1864
1856 * - 1860 Liège, Passage Lemonnier, 32<57> or 30<58>
Successor: Kirsch Joseph (Fils)
° 3.4.1800; + 5.1.1864. Photographer and lithographer. An amphitype signed P. Joseph Kirsch is in the holdings of the Print Room at the University of Leiden. A portrait format "mignon" 1905 ca, Rue des Clarisses, 3, states "Studio founded in 1856". Pierre Joseph Kirsch (various first names in the censuses) had 4 sons: (1) Henri Joseph (° Aix-la-Chapelle [Prussia], 4.4.1825), journeyman lithographer in 1848; lithographer in Saint-Quentin [Aisne, F] in 1854-1858. Like two of his brothers, he was to follow his father in becoming a photographer - see entry for Kirsch, H.; (2) Servais (° Aix-la-Chapelle, 1827), journeyman lithographer in 1848; (3) Joseph (° Liège, 1837), engraver in 1859. On 27.9.1860 he moved to Rue de la Casquette, 12 and then probably worked at the watch-maker Moreau’s - see entry for Kirsch, Joseph (Fils); (4) Léopold (° Liège, 1847) - see entry for Kirsch, L. (Fils).
Successor: Kirsch Joseph (Fils)
° 3.4.1800; + 5.1.1864. Photographer and lithographer. An amphitype signed P. Joseph Kirsch is in the holdings of the Print Room at the University of Leiden. A portrait format "mignon" 1905 ca, Rue des Clarisses, 3, states "Studio founded in 1856". Pierre Joseph Kirsch (various first names in the censuses) had 4 sons: (1) Henri Joseph (° Aix-la-Chapelle [Prussia], 4.4.1825), journeyman lithographer in 1848; lithographer in Saint-Quentin [Aisne, F] in 1854-1858. Like two of his brothers, he was to follow his father in becoming a photographer - see entry for Kirsch, H.; (2) Servais (° Aix-la-Chapelle, 1827), journeyman lithographer in 1848; (3) Joseph (° Liège, 1837), engraver in 1859. On 27.9.1860 he moved to Rue de la Casquette, 12 and then probably worked at the watch-maker Moreau’s - see entry for Kirsch, Joseph (Fils); (4) Léopold (° Liège, 1847) - see entry for Kirsch, L. (Fils).
1856 * - 1860 Liège, Passage Lemonnier, 32<57> or 30<58>
Record source
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 23.4.2018; revised 12.5.2019 & 23.7.2019 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght