Printed: 2025-03-13
Klein, Ph.Send us additional info
Person (Male)
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- Photographie Populaire
- Professional
1892 - 1902 ca Bruxelles - Laeken, Chaussée d'Anvers, 212
"Medals at all the exhibitions". "P" or "Ph" in the directory. Also at this address in the 1895 directory, "L'Illustration, illustrated annual, industrial and commercial photogr." Klein disappeared from the directory after 1896. Also see entry for Philippe Klein.
1895 ca Bruxelles, Quai aux Briques, 62
On printed mounts of prints of commercial façades bearing the credit of Klein (no forename), "Preparatory work for 'L'Illustration de l'Industrie, du Commerce et des Arts'", a publication of which we can find no trace in the bibliographical record.
"Medals at all the exhibitions". "P" or "Ph" in the directory. Also at this address in the 1895 directory, "L'Illustration, illustrated annual, industrial and commercial photogr." Klein disappeared from the directory after 1896. Also see entry for Philippe Klein.
1895 ca Bruxelles, Quai aux Briques, 62
On printed mounts of prints of commercial façades bearing the credit of Klein (no forename), "Preparatory work for 'L'Illustration de l'Industrie, du Commerce et des Arts'", a publication of which we can find no trace in the bibliographical record.
1892 - 1902 ca Bruxelles - Laeken, Chaussée d'Anvers, 212
1895 ca Bruxelles, Quai aux Briques, 62
1895 ca Bruxelles, Quai aux Briques, 62
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SFJ revised 22.6.2020 & 23.10.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght