Printed: 2025-02-08
Mayer, Pierson & Mulnier
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
1855 * - 1866 Bruxelles, Rue des Fripiers, 32
Successor: Gaillard François
Photographers and daguerreotypists, they did not take daguerreotypes in Brussels. Main studio in Paris, Boulevard des Capucines, 5 then 3, then Boulevard des Italiens, 1864-1869. In the directories, Mayer and Pierson are listed under the heading "photographers", and Mulnier under the heading "painters". However, we have been unable to ascertain whether the French duo Léopold Ernest Mayer (° Paris [F], 17.6.1822; + Paris [F], 18.1.1895) and Pierre Louis Pierson (° Hinckange [Moselle, F], 13.12.1822; + Paris [F], 22.3.1913) were anything other than sleeping partners in the Brussels branch. Nelson Mulnier (° Nantes [F], 20.5.1814 or 1815), from a family of painter-photographers, moved from Paris to Brussels in 1855 to become managing partner of the studio in Brussels only. The firm made considerable investments in remodelling the Brussels branch. Scheduled to be opened shortly, the "salons and studios ... have been tastefully constructed to the plans and designs of a talented architect, Mr Winard - Janssens (Indépendance Belge, 2.12.1856).
As from September 1864 the name of Mulnier no longer appears on the CVs, which state "Studio Mayer & Pierson" and on the front "L. Pierson, Phot." and later "Mayer & Pierson". According to the population registry, Mulnier left for Brussels - Saint-Josse before December 1866, but he was still listed in the Tarlier directory under the heading "painters and artists", to which "and photographer" was appended. He was living in Brussels - Saint-Josse in 1872. The firm's glass plate negatives were acquired by Ed. Fierlants & Cie in 1869 for purposes of re-use. "[The portraits] will be erased in two weeks time, unless objections are made by interested parties" (L'Indépendence Belge, 25.7.1869).
Successor: Gaillard François
Photographers and daguerreotypists, they did not take daguerreotypes in Brussels. Main studio in Paris, Boulevard des Capucines, 5 then 3, then Boulevard des Italiens, 1864-1869. In the directories, Mayer and Pierson are listed under the heading "photographers", and Mulnier under the heading "painters". However, we have been unable to ascertain whether the French duo Léopold Ernest Mayer (° Paris [F], 17.6.1822; + Paris [F], 18.1.1895) and Pierre Louis Pierson (° Hinckange [Moselle, F], 13.12.1822; + Paris [F], 22.3.1913) were anything other than sleeping partners in the Brussels branch. Nelson Mulnier (° Nantes [F], 20.5.1814 or 1815), from a family of painter-photographers, moved from Paris to Brussels in 1855 to become managing partner of the studio in Brussels only. The firm made considerable investments in remodelling the Brussels branch. Scheduled to be opened shortly, the "salons and studios ... have been tastefully constructed to the plans and designs of a talented architect, Mr Winard - Janssens (Indépendance Belge, 2.12.1856).
As from September 1864 the name of Mulnier no longer appears on the CVs, which state "Studio Mayer & Pierson" and on the front "L. Pierson, Phot." and later "Mayer & Pierson". According to the population registry, Mulnier left for Brussels - Saint-Josse before December 1866, but he was still listed in the Tarlier directory under the heading "painters and artists", to which "and photographer" was appended. He was living in Brussels - Saint-Josse in 1872. The firm's glass plate negatives were acquired by Ed. Fierlants & Cie in 1869 for purposes of re-use. "[The portraits] will be erased in two weeks time, unless objections are made by interested parties" (L'Indépendence Belge, 25.7.1869).
1855 * - 1866 Bruxelles, Rue des Fripiers, 32
Brussels, 1856 (Mulnier); Brussels, 1861 (Mulnier; honorable mention).
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 1.5.2018; revised 5.8.2019 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 16.10.2024