Printed: 2025-01-26
Neuckens, Antony
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
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- Amateur
Life dates
Brussels - Molenbeek, 1875 - ?, 1948
1910 Bruxelles
° 17.9.1875; + 31.8.1948. Homeworking glover turned socialist activist and trade unionist. Neuckens photographed homeworkers in the Brussels region as well as Antwerp and elsewhere in Belgium for an exhibition organised in Brussels by the "Comité central de l'Exposition du travail à domicile", of which he was the secretary, in the context of the 1910 International Exhibition. Secretary of the "Exposition de Falsification des denrées alimentaires", Brussels, 1913. Neuckens' collection of 144 9 x 12 cm glass negatives featuring homeworkers is housed in the Museum of Photography in Charleroi.
° 17.9.1875; + 31.8.1948. Homeworking glover turned socialist activist and trade unionist. Neuckens photographed homeworkers in the Brussels region as well as Antwerp and elsewhere in Belgium for an exhibition organised in Brussels by the "Comité central de l'Exposition du travail à domicile", of which he was the secretary, in the context of the 1910 International Exhibition. Secretary of the "Exposition de Falsification des denrées alimentaires", Brussels, 1913. Neuckens' collection of 144 9 x 12 cm glass negatives featuring homeworkers is housed in the Museum of Photography in Charleroi.
1910 Bruxelles
Genres / subject matter
ASKENASI-NEUCKENS, Anne & GALLE, Hubert. Les derniers ouvriers libres. Le travail à domicile en Belgique. Brussels, Éditions Luc Pire, 2000, 192 pp.
AVRANE, Colette. "Les conditions de travail des ouvrières à domicile révélées par des photographies : le cas de l'exposition universelle de Bruxelles de 1910", Images du Travail, travail des images, nos 6-7, 2019, accessed on 27.2.2022 at:
AVRANE, Colette. "Les conditions de travail des ouvrières à domicile révélées par des photographies : le cas de l'exposition universelle de Bruxelles de 1910", Images du Travail, travail des images, nos 6-7, 2019, accessed on 27.2.2022 at:
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ new 27.2.2022 based on information supplied by Pool Andries