Printed: 2024-12-21
Plücker, Jean-Frédéric
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Amateur / Connected
Life dates
Liège, 1847 - Spa, 1929
1870 - 1908 Anvers
° 4.3.1847; + 22.1.1929. Former mechanical engineer. Artillery lieutenant at the construction arsenal in Antwerp in 1874; captain in 1876; major commander of artillery equipment in the 2nd sector of the entrenched camp at Antwerp. Retired colonel in 1905.
Patent of 29.4.1871 for "a pocket stereograph" [camera suitable for photography, stereophotography, and topography] that would influence E. Candèze in designing the scenograph. In an attempt to commercialise his invention, he published "Le stéréographe, appareil photographique (stéréoscopique) de poche destiné à faciliter l'emploi de la photographie", Antwerp, 1871. Contributor to the "Bulletin Belge de Photographie" from 1870 until 1876. In 1871 he photographed the transfer of the ashes of Dutch officers fallen in the siege of the citadel at Antwerp in 1832.
Founder member of the ABP ("Plucker"). Appointed secretary of the Antwerp section of the ABP on 6.12.1886.
1908 - 1914 > Spa
Judge of the photography competition organised by the "Cercle Artistique et Littéraire de Spa" over Christmas 1908. Still a member of the ABP in 1922.
° 4.3.1847; + 22.1.1929. Former mechanical engineer. Artillery lieutenant at the construction arsenal in Antwerp in 1874; captain in 1876; major commander of artillery equipment in the 2nd sector of the entrenched camp at Antwerp. Retired colonel in 1905.
Patent of 29.4.1871 for "a pocket stereograph" [camera suitable for photography, stereophotography, and topography] that would influence E. Candèze in designing the scenograph. In an attempt to commercialise his invention, he published "Le stéréographe, appareil photographique (stéréoscopique) de poche destiné à faciliter l'emploi de la photographie", Antwerp, 1871. Contributor to the "Bulletin Belge de Photographie" from 1870 until 1876. In 1871 he photographed the transfer of the ashes of Dutch officers fallen in the siege of the citadel at Antwerp in 1832.
Founder member of the ABP ("Plucker"). Appointed secretary of the Antwerp section of the ABP on 6.12.1886.
1908 - 1914 > Spa
Judge of the photography competition organised by the "Cercle Artistique et Littéraire de Spa" over Christmas 1908. Still a member of the ABP in 1922.
1870 - 1908 Anvers
1908 - 1914 > Spa
1908 - 1914 > Spa
London, 1871; Brussels, 1875; Antwerp, 1888; Antwerp, 1890; Antwerp, 1891 (25 stereo views); Antwerp, 1892; Antwerp, 1893 ABP.
Genres / subject matter
SCHOUWENAAR, Pierre. "Le stéréographe van J.F. Plücker een vroege stereo-pocket...", Photohistorisch Tijdschrift, vol. 15, 1992, pp. 126-129.
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1874 - 1914
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 3.8.2017 & 6.6.2018; SFJ revised 18.10.2020 & 31.5.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 9.5.2023; SFJ revised 23.1.2024 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght