Printed: 2025-02-11
Renoz, Edouard
Person (Male)
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- Professional
Life dates
Paris [F], 1830 - Ghent, 1862
1861 * - 1862 + Gand, Rue Basse, 22
Successor: Schaffers Nestor, then Renoz Veuve Edouard
Edouard Emmanuel, ° 21.8.1830; + 20.6.1862. "Merchant from Paris" of Belgian parentage. At his wedding in Brussels on 20.2.1858, recorded as a person of no profession. Studio opened on 1.12.1861. "M. Renoz, deeply convinced of the intrinsic value of photography, has not wished to compromise the qualities of his output through the use of colouring and the more or less skilful retouching that transform the photographic image into a hybrid product, a kind of forgery that neither a genuine amateur nor a conscientious artist would admit to" (Journal de Gand, 27.11.1861). Renoz's death certificate was witnessed by his brother Ernest (see that name) and by his temporary successor Nestor Schaffers (see that name).
Successor: Schaffers Nestor, then Renoz Veuve Edouard
Edouard Emmanuel, ° 21.8.1830; + 20.6.1862. "Merchant from Paris" of Belgian parentage. At his wedding in Brussels on 20.2.1858, recorded as a person of no profession. Studio opened on 1.12.1861. "M. Renoz, deeply convinced of the intrinsic value of photography, has not wished to compromise the qualities of his output through the use of colouring and the more or less skilful retouching that transform the photographic image into a hybrid product, a kind of forgery that neither a genuine amateur nor a conscientious artist would admit to" (Journal de Gand, 27.11.1861). Renoz's death certificate was witnessed by his brother Ernest (see that name) and by his temporary successor Nestor Schaffers (see that name).
1861 * - 1862 + Gand, Rue Basse, 22
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SFJ revised 24.2.2019, 13.5.2019 & 31.8.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght