Schram, CharlesSend us additional info



Person (Male)


  • Professional


Life dates

Apingendem [Groningen, NL], 1851 - ?, 1909


1887 * Alost, Chaussée de Termonde, "Au Chalet Suisse"
Charles Antoine, ° 2.11.1851. Son of Guillaume Frédéric Schram and, like his father, an itinerant fairground photographer for much of his career. At this address, operator in the studio set up by Elisabeth Louise Janssens, also known as Veuve Semay. "Mr C. Schram, operator in my firm, who has received 6 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 2 in bronze at exhibitions held in Paris 1878, Lyons, Marseilles and Rouen, will continue to burnish his reputation by means of the perfect work he intends to deliver to customers" (De Denderbode, 21.7.1887).
1894 Bruxelles - Saint-Gilles, Rue de France
Industrial photography at this address, according to the catalogue of the Antwerp universal exhibition. Already living in Brussels - Saint-Gilles, Chaussée de Waterloo, 106 in November 1892. Schram soon afterwards moved into early animated photography, again in a fairground setting. He patented a cinematograph camera on 14.11.1896. Projecting short films under the trade name "Sckram'son", Schram was active in France (and absent from Belgium) between 1898 and 1905.


1887 * Alost, Chaussée de Termonde, "Au Chalet Suisse"
1894 Bruxelles - Saint-Gilles, Rue de France


Antwerp, 1894 (industrial photography).


CONVENTS, Guido. Van kinetoscoop tot café-ciné. De eerste jaren van de film in België 1894-1908. Louvain 2000, pp. 99-105, 'Charles Schram en le cinématographe Schram'.


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Dates of creation/revision

MD / SFJ new 6.5.2020