Printed: 2025-02-08
Théry, Paul
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Ghent, 1837 - Ghent, 1893
1872 - 1875 Gand, Rue Courte des Violettes, 13<74-75> or 23
Polydore Antoine Edmé known as Paul, ° 9.4.1837; + 21.9.1893. Painter and photographer. Recorded as a painter at this address in October 1863. He seems to have produced CVs from the end of the 1860s onwards. Member of the ABP from 12.10.1875 ("Thery, photographer, Ghent"). On ABP file card "Théry, Walthère, Liège". No family connection has yet been made with Paul Jean Baptiste Théry (° 1845) who operated in Paris, Quai de l'Horloge, 29 in 1870, though "Paul" was the forename given in the Ghent directories and the catalogue of the ABP exhibition in 1875.
1876 - 1885 Gand, Rue Haute, 78 [Hoogstraat]
1885 - 1890 Gand, Boulevard du Béguinage, 1 or 63<85-88>
Polydore Antoine Edmé known as Paul, ° 9.4.1837; + 21.9.1893. Painter and photographer. Recorded as a painter at this address in October 1863. He seems to have produced CVs from the end of the 1860s onwards. Member of the ABP from 12.10.1875 ("Thery, photographer, Ghent"). On ABP file card "Théry, Walthère, Liège". No family connection has yet been made with Paul Jean Baptiste Théry (° 1845) who operated in Paris, Quai de l'Horloge, 29 in 1870, though "Paul" was the forename given in the Ghent directories and the catalogue of the ABP exhibition in 1875.
1876 - 1885 Gand, Rue Haute, 78 [Hoogstraat]
1885 - 1890 Gand, Boulevard du Béguinage, 1 or 63<85-88>
1872 - 1875 Gand, Rue Courte des Violettes, 13<74-75> or 23
1876 - 1885 Gand, Rue Haute, 78 [Hoogstraat]
1885 - 1890 Gand, Boulevard du Béguinage, 1 or 63<85-88>
1876 - 1885 Gand, Rue Haute, 78 [Hoogstraat]
1885 - 1890 Gand, Boulevard du Béguinage, 1 or 63<85-88>
Brussels, 1875 ("Paul").
Genres / subject matter
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1875 - 1881
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 10.7.2018, 25.7.2019, 28.3.2020 & 3.5.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD revised 19.11.2021 & 24.11.2021