Printed: 2025-02-11
van Léaucourt, Georges
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional / Connected
Life dates
Ghent, 1859 - Brussels - Ixelles, 1939
1889 / Gand, Rue de la Blanchisserie, 3
Georges Evariste Louis, ° 28.8.1859; + 17.1.1939. Already recorded as a shipping agent here at the birth of his daughter Stella in October 1884. From 1888 listed as both a shipping agent and chemist at this address.
1889 * - 1904 / Courtrai, Boulevard de Groeninghe, 19
Arrived from Ghent on 27.8.1889. Registered as shipping agent and photographer. Van Léaucourt's first and short-lived commercial venture concerned the production of ceramic supports for transfer photography: "For some time now there has been considerable interest in photography on ceramics, on opal plates. A native of Ghent, Mr Van Léaucourt has acquired a solid reputation in this field. These plates can be used for reproducing landscapes but are mainly for portraits (La Flandre Libérale, 11.12.1889).
Studio photographer (habitually signing "Georg van Léaucourt") before becoming a manufacturer of photographic plates, an activity embodied in the partnership "Georges van Léaucourt & Cie", founded on 15.10.1893 with Philippe Hannet (see that name). The partnership was dissolved in 1894. Thereafter established a limited company "Plaques Léaucourt" (see that entry). It is highly possible that the portrait studio was closed when van Léaucourt devoted himself to manufacturing, even though some directories still list him as a photographer until 1903. Member of the "Société Photographique de Courtrai". van Léaucourt sold his shareholding to Stanislas Nolf (see that name) in 1903. Left Courtrai for Brussels - Ixelles on 17.12.1904.
1907 - 1914 > Bruxelles - Ixelles, Rue Ernest Solvay, 16
Predecessor: Van Léaucourt Stella (Mlle) #
Cameras and general photographic supplies. Initial "G" in the directories. CAB at this address signed "Ateliers Léaucourt", c. 1908. There are also collotype postcards bearing the credit "Phot. Léaucourt, Brux." His daughter Stella was active in the firm for an unspecified period. Still active here in the interwar years. A third member of the family, René (° Courtrai, 19.2.1893; + Sonnenburg [East Prussia, D now PL], 14.1.1944) subsequently worked here. A veteren of World War I, René was arrested in July 1941 for harbouring escaped British soldiers and perished in Sonnenburg concentration camp. An obituary notice described him as a photographer at this address.
Georges Evariste Louis, ° 28.8.1859; + 17.1.1939. Already recorded as a shipping agent here at the birth of his daughter Stella in October 1884. From 1888 listed as both a shipping agent and chemist at this address.
1889 * - 1904 / Courtrai, Boulevard de Groeninghe, 19
Arrived from Ghent on 27.8.1889. Registered as shipping agent and photographer. Van Léaucourt's first and short-lived commercial venture concerned the production of ceramic supports for transfer photography: "For some time now there has been considerable interest in photography on ceramics, on opal plates. A native of Ghent, Mr Van Léaucourt has acquired a solid reputation in this field. These plates can be used for reproducing landscapes but are mainly for portraits (La Flandre Libérale, 11.12.1889).
Studio photographer (habitually signing "Georg van Léaucourt") before becoming a manufacturer of photographic plates, an activity embodied in the partnership "Georges van Léaucourt & Cie", founded on 15.10.1893 with Philippe Hannet (see that name). The partnership was dissolved in 1894. Thereafter established a limited company "Plaques Léaucourt" (see that entry). It is highly possible that the portrait studio was closed when van Léaucourt devoted himself to manufacturing, even though some directories still list him as a photographer until 1903. Member of the "Société Photographique de Courtrai". van Léaucourt sold his shareholding to Stanislas Nolf (see that name) in 1903. Left Courtrai for Brussels - Ixelles on 17.12.1904.
1907 - 1914 > Bruxelles - Ixelles, Rue Ernest Solvay, 16
Predecessor: Van Léaucourt Stella (Mlle) #
Cameras and general photographic supplies. Initial "G" in the directories. CAB at this address signed "Ateliers Léaucourt", c. 1908. There are also collotype postcards bearing the credit "Phot. Léaucourt, Brux." His daughter Stella was active in the firm for an unspecified period. Still active here in the interwar years. A third member of the family, René (° Courtrai, 19.2.1893; + Sonnenburg [East Prussia, D now PL], 14.1.1944) subsequently worked here. A veteren of World War I, René was arrested in July 1941 for harbouring escaped British soldiers and perished in Sonnenburg concentration camp. An obituary notice described him as a photographer at this address.
1889 / Gand, Rue de la Blanchisserie, 3
1889 * - 1904 / Courtrai, Boulevard de Groeninghe, 19
1907 - 1914 > Bruxelles - Ixelles, Rue Ernest Solvay, 16
1889 * - 1904 / Courtrai, Boulevard de Groeninghe, 19
1907 - 1914 > Bruxelles - Ixelles, Rue Ernest Solvay, 16
Ghent, 1889 (photographs on ceramics); Brussels, 1897 (gold medal)
Genres / subject matter
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1896 - 1904
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 26.9.2017, 17.7.2018 & 16.11.2018 partly based on information supplied by Paul De Paepe and Filippe De Potter; SFJ revised 7.5.2020 & 8.8.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; MD / SFJ revised 26.6.2020; MD revised 28.10.2020; SFJ revised 14.8.2022 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght