Printed: 2025-03-14
Watrigant, AlphonseSend us additional info
Person (Male)
- Amateur
Life dates
Lille [F], 1829 - Brussels, 1899
1869 - 1899 + Bruxelles
° 18.3.1829; + 15.1.1899. Registered as a boot maker in 1866 and as a shoe salesman in 1880. One of his photographs, "Entrance of the Royal Library in 1869", was used as frontispiece in the publication "Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Centenaire de l'ouverture au public 21 mai 1839", Brussels, 1939. Founder member of the ABP ("Watrigand"). He built a stereoscopic camera with magazine in 1889.
° 18.3.1829; + 15.1.1899. Registered as a boot maker in 1866 and as a shoe salesman in 1880. One of his photographs, "Entrance of the Royal Library in 1869", was used as frontispiece in the publication "Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Centenaire de l'ouverture au public 21 mai 1839", Brussels, 1939. Founder member of the ABP ("Watrigand"). He built a stereoscopic camera with magazine in 1889.
1869 - 1899 + Bruxelles
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1874 - 1899
Description of relationship
ABP file card inexplicably gives 1883 as the end date of membership.
Record source
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 31.5.2018; SFJ revised 9.5.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght