Printed: 2024-12-21
Watteyne, Alfons
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional
Life dates
Bruges, 1853 - Bruges, 1929
1875 ca - 1876 / Bruges, Quai Vert, 6
° 23.8.1853; + 12.3.1929. An employee of Victor Daveluy, he also worked at the branch studio in Ostend during the summer.
1876 - 1914 > Bruges, Quai de la Poterie, 49<76-94> or 51<90ca> then 46<95-14> [Potteriereie]
At the corner formed with Olienbaan. According to Guillaume Michiels, he moved to no. 46 during the winter of 1890. Photographer for many religious communities, free schools and clubs. He also took portraits of the poor people in his parish. His daughter Marie (+ Bruges, 1973) worked with him and continued running the studio until the Second World War. CV backs, 1900 ca, carry a picture of his house, displaying on the façade an inscription "Huis voor lichtbeelddruk. Alfons Watteyne en Zoon. Portretmaekers" [House for photographic printing. Alfons Watteyne and Son. Portrait makers]. His son, also Alfons (° Bruges, 26.2.1878; + Sijsele, 15.1.1964), succeeded him before leaving in 1922 to set up a studio in Knokke, A. Watteyne - De Laey, in the interwar period. In the Mertens directory, "Watteyne, O. Fils" is listed, 1902-1905.
1880 Bruges, Quai Long
Address attested solely by the Rozez directory.
1910 ca Brugge aan Zee
CVs bear the credit "A. Watteyne" without distinguishing between father and son.
° 23.8.1853; + 12.3.1929. An employee of Victor Daveluy, he also worked at the branch studio in Ostend during the summer.
1876 - 1914 > Bruges, Quai de la Poterie, 49<76-94> or 51<90ca> then 46<95-14> [Potteriereie]
At the corner formed with Olienbaan. According to Guillaume Michiels, he moved to no. 46 during the winter of 1890. Photographer for many religious communities, free schools and clubs. He also took portraits of the poor people in his parish. His daughter Marie (+ Bruges, 1973) worked with him and continued running the studio until the Second World War. CV backs, 1900 ca, carry a picture of his house, displaying on the façade an inscription "Huis voor lichtbeelddruk. Alfons Watteyne en Zoon. Portretmaekers" [House for photographic printing. Alfons Watteyne and Son. Portrait makers]. His son, also Alfons (° Bruges, 26.2.1878; + Sijsele, 15.1.1964), succeeded him before leaving in 1922 to set up a studio in Knokke, A. Watteyne - De Laey, in the interwar period. In the Mertens directory, "Watteyne, O. Fils" is listed, 1902-1905.
1880 Bruges, Quai Long
Address attested solely by the Rozez directory.
1910 ca Brugge aan Zee
CVs bear the credit "A. Watteyne" without distinguishing between father and son.
1875 ca - 1876 / Bruges, Quai Vert, 6
1876 - 1914 > Bruges, Quai de la Poterie, 49<76-94> or 51<90ca> then 46<95-14> [Potteriereie]
1880 Bruges, Quai Long
1910 ca Brugge aan Zee
1876 - 1914 > Bruges, Quai de la Poterie, 49<76-94> or 51<90ca> then 46<95-14> [Potteriereie]
1880 Bruges, Quai Long
1910 ca Brugge aan Zee
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 19.9.2017, 20.7.2018 & 30.9.2018; MD revised 19.8.2021