Printed: 2025-02-08
Wettstein, Edouard Fils
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Professional / Connected
Life dates
Verviers, 1868 - Verviers, 1940
1893 * - 1940 + Verviers, Rue de la Tranchée, 34, 36<98-00> or 38<00-14>
Predecessor: Wettstein Edouard Père & Fils
° 6.3.1868; + 1.1.1940. Already at this address in 1893 in partnership with his father under the trade name "Ed. Wettstein Père & Fils". After his father’s death in December 1899, the photographs bore the name "Ed. Wettstein". On CVs, "With this photograph, enlargements up to life size can always be procured". On invoice header dated 1898, "Collotype, Platinotype". Took over his father's membership of the ABP.
1904 - 1940 + Verviers, Rue de l'Harmonie, 64<04 ca> or 68-70<04-14>
Taken over by the son of Edouard Fils, the studio operated at this address until it ceased trading in 1965.
Predecessor: Wettstein Edouard Père & Fils
° 6.3.1868; + 1.1.1940. Already at this address in 1893 in partnership with his father under the trade name "Ed. Wettstein Père & Fils". After his father’s death in December 1899, the photographs bore the name "Ed. Wettstein". On CVs, "With this photograph, enlargements up to life size can always be procured". On invoice header dated 1898, "Collotype, Platinotype". Took over his father's membership of the ABP.
1904 - 1940 + Verviers, Rue de l'Harmonie, 64<04 ca> or 68-70<04-14>
Taken over by the son of Edouard Fils, the studio operated at this address until it ceased trading in 1965.
1893 * - 1940 + Verviers, Rue de la Tranchée, 34, 36<98-00> or 38<00-14>
1904 - 1940 + Verviers, Rue de l'Harmonie, 64<04 ca> or 68-70<04-14>
1904 - 1940 + Verviers, Rue de l'Harmonie, 64<04 ca> or 68-70<04-14>
Genres / subject matter
Affiliated entity
Association belge de Photographie
Type of affiliation
Member of
Dates of affiliation
1900 - 1904
Description of relationship
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 26.9.2017, 17.2.2018, 17.11.2018 & 15.5.2019; SFJ revised 10.4.2020 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght; SFJ revised 30.7.2023 & 20.8.2023