Printed: 2025-02-13
Woodbury, Walter Bentley (& Cie)
Person (Male)
Alternative name or descriptor
- Imprimerie stannotypique
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
- Connected
Life dates
Manchester [GB], 1834 - Margate [Kent, GB], 1885
1881 - 1882 Bruxelles, Rue Joseph II, 1
° 26.6.1834; + 5.9.1885. Inventor in the field of photomechanical processes: importation patent of 15.4.1865 and patent relating to improvements of 1.3.1866 for the Woodburytype, the Belgian rights to which were then transferred to Simonau & Toovey (see those names). Import patent of 15.11.1877 for "improvements to photographic cameras" [photography from tethered balloons]. Import patent of 15.2.1879 for "improvements in the means and methods of producing drawings on paper, linen, etc." [transparent printing]. Patent of 29.11.1879 for "modifications made to the means and methods of producing drawings on metal surfaces" [stannotype process, or simplified Woodburytype process] and patents relating to improvements of 15.4.1880, 30.6.1880 and 15.7.1881. Stayed in Brussels in 1881 and 1882 - while remaining domiciled in England - for the purpose of commercialising his stannotype process, an initiative that proved unsuccessful. This address was the residence of Thomas Bull (° Greenwich [GB], 20.8.1843), dental surgeon. The printing works was still listed in the Rozez directory in 1885.
° 26.6.1834; + 5.9.1885. Inventor in the field of photomechanical processes: importation patent of 15.4.1865 and patent relating to improvements of 1.3.1866 for the Woodburytype, the Belgian rights to which were then transferred to Simonau & Toovey (see those names). Import patent of 15.11.1877 for "improvements to photographic cameras" [photography from tethered balloons]. Import patent of 15.2.1879 for "improvements in the means and methods of producing drawings on paper, linen, etc." [transparent printing]. Patent of 29.11.1879 for "modifications made to the means and methods of producing drawings on metal surfaces" [stannotype process, or simplified Woodburytype process] and patents relating to improvements of 15.4.1880, 30.6.1880 and 15.7.1881. Stayed in Brussels in 1881 and 1882 - while remaining domiciled in England - for the purpose of commercialising his stannotype process, an initiative that proved unsuccessful. This address was the residence of Thomas Bull (° Greenwich [GB], 20.8.1843), dental surgeon. The printing works was still listed in the Rozez directory in 1885.
1881 - 1882 Bruxelles, Rue Joseph II, 1
Ghent, 1880.
Genres / subject matter
Record source
Level of detail
Dates of creation/revision
SFJ revised 5.7.2018; SFJ revised 19.3.2021 based on information supplied by M. Demaeght